
jǐnɡ bèi qū
  • garrison command
警备区 [jǐng bèi qū]
  • [garrison command] 按城市(或在特定地区)设立的军队组织。警备区负责本市的警卫、守备、兵役、动员、民兵等工作,以及维护军容风纪,协同地方维持治安等

  1. 此批新兵将分赴福建军区、厦门警备区等地,下午四点,整装待发的新兵排着整齐的队伍走进站台。

    These new recruits will go to Fujian Military Command , Xiamen Garrison Command , etc.At4 o'clock in the afternoon , the new soldiers line up to enter the platform .

  2. 这一行政区和警备区的名称都是“三沙”,其出处是南沙群岛(SpratlyIslands)、西沙群岛(ParacelIslands)以及中沙群岛(MacclesfieldBank)的中文名称。

    Sansha , the name of the district and garrison , is a reference to the Chinese names of the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos and the Macclesfield Bank .

  3. 这支部队隶属市警备区。

    This unit is under the command of the municipal garrison .

  4. 警备区驻军已得到加强。

    The garrison has been renewed .

  5. 中国上月在南海组建一个新的警备区之举,震惊邻国。

    China last month shocked its neighbours by establishing a new military garrison in the South China Sea .

  6. 李仁荣视察了共同警备区韩方一侧的设施,并会见了驻扎在板门店的官员。

    Lee inspected facilities on the South Korean side of the Joint Security Area and met with officials stationed in Panmunjom .

  7. 自中国上月设立一个覆盖有争议领土的新的行政区以及新的警备区以来,南海紧张局势进一步加剧。

    Tensions over the South China Sea have risen another notch since China established a new administrative district as well as a new military garrison covering the disputed territory last month .

  8. 北京方面尚未宣布派遣新的部队或装备进驻该警备区,但中国军方并未澄清该警备区的目的和实力。

    Beijing has not announced the transfer of any new troops or equipment to the area , but the military has not clarified the purpose and actual assets of the new garrison .