
jǐng gùn
  • Baton;truncheon;nightstick;police baton;billy club;spontoon;lathi
警棍 [jǐng gùn]
  • [police baton] 警察执行公务时使用的特制棍棒

警棍[jǐng gùn]
  1. 警察挥舞着警棍冲入人群。

    The police waded into the crowd with batons .

  2. 铝制伸缩式双节警棍

    a two-piece telescopic truncheon made of aluminium .

  3. 警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。

    The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal .

  4. 警察手里拿着警棍,向小偷追去。

    The policeman with a club in hand ran up to the thief .

  5. 反动警察用警棍驱散示威的人群。

    The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd .

  6. 有许多带警棍的防暴警察

    There were many riot policemen with batons .

  7. 如果失调,且该国没有采取任何措施来补救由此导致的失衡,那么,IMF应该将警棍传递给WTO,因为后者有权批准实施贸易制裁。

    If it is , and the nation does nothing to remedy the resulting imbalance , the baton should be passed to the WTO , which could authorise trade penalties .

  8. 他用橡皮警棍把她活活抽死。

    He would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon .

  9. 警察手里拿着警棍,追赶那个人。

    Club in hand , the policeman rushed after that man .

  10. 他们遭到了催泪瓦斯和警棍的攻击。

    and they were attacked with tear gas and night sticks .

  11. 型橡胶警棍由高弹性橡胶制成。

    The batons , BR-M are made of a resilient rubber .

  12. 大多数英国警官只配备有警棍。

    Most British police Offcers are only armed with truncheons .

  13. 警察挥舞警棍冲进人群。

    The police waded into the crowd with their clubs .

  14. 尤其当她把警棍拿出来对着我的时候。

    When she got that truncheon out , did it for me .

  15. 四周渐成死寂,所有能听到的声音就是那警棍闷声地发出嘭嘭嘭的重击。

    All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton .

  16. 他们两只手都找不到自己的警棍

    They can 't find their nightsticks with both hands .

  17. 警官舞动着警棍,走了一两步。

    The policeman twirled his club and took a step or two .

  18. 很多抗议者遇难,成千上万的人被警棍打伤。

    Some protesters were killed , hundreds still behind bars .

  19. 配有警盾和警棍的前线部队,开始殴打我们。

    The front group had shields and batons , and started hitting us .

  20. 他拿着抽出的警棍,追了上去。

    With drawn club he joined in the pursuit .

  21. 你有要求她接受额外的警棍训练吗?

    Have you requested extra baton training for her ?

  22. 他也用了警棍。

    He 's using a billy , too .

  23. 如今她带着她的新理念和警棍来到了我们哥谭市

    And now she 's bringing her new ideas and her nunchucks to Gotham City

  24. 便衣警官冲进人群,帮助头戴警盔、手握警棍的警察去抓流氓。

    Plainclothes officers darted into the crowds to tackle hooligans , assisting helmeted , baton-wielding poliee .

  25. 新型复合材料警棍的研制

    Development of Novel Composite Baton

  26. 嫌犯已经拿到了比利的警棍,并连续敲打他的头部。

    The suspect had grabbed Aime 's baton and repeatedly bashed him on the head with it .

  27. 警方用催泪瓦斯和警棍阻止示威者接近总统府。

    Police used tear gas and batons to keep protesters from marching on the President 's Palace .

  28. 他们一再用警棍打我们,还把我们中的一些人关进监狱。

    They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison .

  29. 你的意思是想让我和盖世太保一样用警棍殴打犹太人。

    You mean you want me to beat up Jews with my truncheon and catch the Gestapo spirit .

  30. 很多英国人不反对警察携带加长的警棍或胡椒喷雾剂。

    Many people in Britain would not mind seeing their police with longer clubs or even pepper spray .