首页 / 词典 / good

  • bandit;robber
  • not
  • 强盗,抢劫财物的坏人:~徒。~首。叛~。

  • 不,不是:~夷所思(不是常人的想法)。获益~浅。


(强盗) bandit; robber:

  • 剿匪

    suppress bandits;

  • 惯匪

    professional brigand; hardened bandit


[书] (非) not:

  • 夙夜匪懈

    never slacken morning or night;

  • 获益匪浅

    reap no little benefit

  1. 这位“爱匪”不过是取走等人取走、盼人取走的东西。

    The " love bandit " was only taking what was waiting to be taken , what wanted to be taken .

  2. 匪文化与墨学之间有深厚的文化思想渊源。

    The bandit culture has deep culture relations with Mohism .

  3. 独自解决这个问题是一次受益匪浅的锻炼。

    It is a very rewarding exercise to work this out oneself

  4. 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。

    Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits .

  5. 政府称已歼灭若干路匪。

    The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed

  6. 我想从事职业摄影,因为我从中获益匪浅。

    I would like to take pictures professionally because I get so much out of it .

  7. 想要对这个问题有更加深入的了解,读读它会受益匪浅。

    It makes invaluable reading for anyone who wants to acquire a greater depth of understanding of the subject .

  8. 帮匪过去常来骚扰这个村子。

    This village used to be infested with bandits .

  9. 在这个问题上他的指教使我受益匪浅。

    I enjoyed the great benefit of his instructions concerning the matter .

  10. 这次坦率的谈话使我们受益匪浅。

    We benefit greatly by this frank talk .

  11. 这是个匪窝。

    This is a robber 's nest .

  12. 心理学研究最近从遗传学的新发现中受益匪浅。

    The study of psychology has recently been widely cross-fertilized by new discoveries in genetics .

  13. 有很多好的品质可以让你在生活中受益匪浅。

    There are many good qualities that can benefit you a lot in your life .

  14. 这笔交易将会让实业家和投资者受益匪浅

    This deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors .

  15. 帮匪们曾经威胁说如果印度方面不释放他们的同伙,他们就要将这四名人质全部斩首

    The kidnappers had threatened to behead all four unless their jailed comrades were released .

  16. 如果我能做到你所做的一半的话,他们将受益匪浅。

    If I can just do half of what you did , they will be so much better off .

  17. 例句:上天降灾,使我两君匪以玉帛相见,而以兴戎。

    Heaven has struck disaster , bringing our two sovereign lords to face each other , not with jades and silks , but with the instruments of war .

  18. 使用RationalTeamConcert的敏捷团队,可以从包含的过程模板中的指导获益匪浅。

    Agile teams that use Rational Team Concert can benefit greatly from the guidance in the included process templates .

  19. 开发者从减化的复杂度中受益匪浅,最后,与其他Java框架相比,用更少的代码实现同样的功能。

    Developers benefit from reduced complexity and , in the end , much less lines of code for the same functionalities developed in competing frameworks .

  20. JSF的航空电子设备的设计和开发从这些经验中受益匪浅。

    The design and development of the JSF 's avionics benefited from this experience , phan says .

  21. 自动创建最新的UML图将使您获益良多,同样,自动地可视化表示数据库也可以让您受益匪浅。

    Just as automating the creation of the latest UML diagrams is beneficial , so too is automating a visual representation of your database .

  22. 不管怎样,斯科尔斯觉得队员们的心声让他受益匪浅,其他人,包括前小K教练对他帮助也非比寻常。

    Regardless , Skiles feels that the input that he has received from the players as well as others such as former coach Larry Krystkowiak has been beneficial .

  23. 因为IBM对SWT控件的使用非常广泛,所以这些窗口小部件使我们受益匪浅。

    Because the SWT controls are used extensively throughout IBM , these widgets provided a huge benefit to us .

  24. 2011年下半年,美国航空(americanairlines)等投资级公司陷入破产,令摩根大通上述交易的空头部分获利匪浅,尤其是其中旨在从异常破产中获利的产品。

    In the second half of 2011 , investment-grade companies such as American Airlines went into bankruptcy , benefiting the short legs of the JPMorgan trades , specifically designed to profit from idiosyncratic failures .

  25. 迄今为止,中国的入世让自己受益匪浅,WTO也获益良多,中国的贸易伙伴也得到了多于它们通常愿意承认的好处。

    So far China 's accession has done the country a lot of good , the WTO a fair amount of good and China 's trading partners more good than they are generally willing to admit .

  26. 在一个外资集团只能以强制性基金合资企业的方式持有少数股份的市场中,景顺与当地合作方长城证券(greatwallsecurities)的关系好得出名,并从中受益匪浅。

    In a market where foreign groups are forced to acquire minority stakes in mandatory fund joint ventures , INVESCO has benefited from a remarkably untroubled relationship with its local partner , Great Wall Securities , a Shenzhen-based brokerage firm .

  27. 索尼(Sony)、博士(Bose)和BeatsbyDr.Dre等许多音响设备品牌都从这一趋势中受益匪浅。

    Varied brands like Sony ( SNE ) , Bose and the beats by Dr. dre have gotten a big boost from the trend .

  28. 大量海外青年才俊从斯坦福(stanford)这样的大学毕业后涌入硅谷,在那儿创业,发明新产品,创立新公司,硅谷为此受益匪浅。

    Silicon Valley has benefited enormously from the influx of bright overseas graduates who have studied at universities such as Stanford , stayed and then invented new products and companies .

  29. 瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)亚太区首席执行官柯磊洛(paulcalello)表示,规模庞大的全球流动资金希望投资于中国和印度等快速增长的经济体,令亚太地区受益匪浅。

    Paul Calello , chief executive of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific , said that the region was benefiting from the huge levels of global liquidity seeking exposure to fast-growing economies such as China and India .

  30. 如果合作成功的话,整个社区包括ColdFusion和它的客户、用户都会因此获益匪浅。

    And at the end of the day , if that were to occur , then the entire community would benefit , including ColdFusion and its customers and users .