
  • 网络regional geochemical exploration
  1. 新疆区域地球化学勘查的回顾与展望

    The review and Prospect of regional geochemical exploration in Xinjiang

  2. 区域地球化学勘查数据处理方法研究

    Study of Data Processing Method in Regional Geochemical Exploration

  3. 铂-钯区域地球化学勘查

    Regional geochemical exploration for platinum and palladium

  4. 根据三江地区北段1∶20万区域地球化学勘查资料,结合区域地质背景,对该区元古宇至新生界地层和不同岩体的地球化学特征进行了较为全面的分析。

    Based on 1 ∶ 200 000 regional geochemical exploration data obtained from the northern part of the Sanjiang region in combination with regional geochemical background , this paper has analyzed fairly in detail geochemical characteristics of various ages of strata and intrusive bodies .

  5. 区域地球化学异常评价是勘查地球化学长期以来面临的主要问题,目前通常采用的评价方法基本上包括地球化学异常的不同地质-构造单元评价法和多元素定量化评价指标法等8种方法。

    Regional geochemical anomaly evaluation is a major problem which exploration geochemistry has faced for a long time . Now , there are mainly eight conventional methods for evaluation , such as the geological-tectonic unit evaluation method and multi-elements quantifying evaluation index method .