
  • 网络version;File Version;FileVersion
  1. 所选vdx文件版本无效。

    The selected VDX file version is invalid .

  2. 教程的ZIP文件版本包含了查看教程所需的所有HTML文件,以及所有支持图形和其它文件。

    The ZIP file version of the tutorial contains all of the HTML files necessary to view the tutorial , as well as all of the supporting graphics and other files .

  3. 您可以使用Browse按钮来覆盖此默认值,并选择不同的概要文件版本。

    You can use the Browse button to override this default and select a different profile version .

  4. 所有的概要文件版本(包括发布的版本)都列在ProfileEditor的Overview标签上的Versions表格中。

    All profile versions ( including the released ones ) are listed in the Versions table , on the Overview tab of the Profile Editor .

  5. 根据版本值,可以直接地获取之前的XML文件版本,并且利用位置编码和层号值来维护节点之间的结构关系。

    Version numbers could be used to retrieve a particular previous version of the document while position number and level number are used to maintain structural relationship between multiple nodes in the XML tree .

  6. 这意味着ClearCase和ClearQuest已经用于迭代工件,并增加文件版本。

    This means ClearCase and ClearQuest have been used to iterate on the artifacts and increment the file versions .

  7. 此网站上的frontpage服务器扩展不支持获取原先的文件版本。

    The frontpage server extensions on this web do not support getting previous versions .

  8. 哪怕采用了版本机制,客户端代码又怎样判断库文件版本号的小小变化是否会影响到当前任何对API行为的假定呢?

    Even in the case where a versioning mechanism involved , how can the client code determine if a very small step in a library version number affects any current assumptions ?

  9. 这个中心团队应该创建和维护应用软件团队使用的用来部署可接受UtilityJAR文件版本的UCM组件。

    The central team should create and maintain a UCM component that is used to deploy versions of the accepted Utility JAR files that should be used by application teams .

  10. Subversion适合想要用安全且灵敏的方法的开发人员,但是同时包括这个文件版本水平的少量的控制。

    Subversion is suited for developers who want to work in a secure , agile way but at the same time include a minimal amount of control at the file version level .

  11. 分布式版本控制(DVCS)是一种不需要中心服务器的管理文件版本的方法,但是它也可以使用中心服务器。

    A DVCS , or Distributed Version Control System , is a way to manage versions of files that doesn 't require a centralized server , but can also make use of a centralized server .

  12. 类文件版本高于当前版本。

    Class file version is greater than the current version .

  13. 数据库引擎的日志文件版本有错误。

    The log files are the wrong version for the database engine .

  14. 迁移更新了模型中应用的概要文件版本。

    Migration upgrades the applied profile version in the model .

  15. 基线定义了一组相关联的文件版本。

    A baseline identifies a related set of file versions .

  16. 获取文件版本号的次要部分。

    Gets the minor part of the version number of the file .

  17. 不支持此应用程序文件版本。

    This application file version is not supported .

  18. 邮件文件版本号不正确。

    The mail file version number is incorrect .

  19. 在^0中发现一个错误的压缩点文件版本。

    An incorrect Microsoft Map compressed point file version was found in ^ 0 .

  20. 有关更多信息,请参见如何:更新工作区中的文件版本。

    For more information , see how to : update file versions in your workspace .

  21. 不支持的文件版本。

    The file version is not supported .

  22. 当然会报告这些警告,但是它们并不会阻止这个概要文件版本的创建。

    Warnings are also reported , but they do not prevent the profile version from being created .

  23. 不管是何种格式,它首先应该包含的信息就是文件版本号。

    With any format , one of the very first things it should contain is a file version number .

  24. 自动更新系统模块由三个子模块组成:文件版本管理模块、文件传输服务器模块和接受文件模块。

    The automatic update system includes document version management module , document transmission sever module and the client module that accepts document transmission .

  25. 查看两个文件版本之间的差异,并选择要在合并中保留的更改。

    Review the differences between the two file versions and choose the change you want to retain in the merge by selecting it .

  26. 还可以使用该信息检索任何文件版本的本地副本,或比较任何两个文件版本。

    You can also use this information to retrieve a local copy of any version of the file or to compare any two file versions .

  27. 如果收到这一消息,您可以决定保留哪个文件版本,也可以合并两组更改。

    If you receive this message , you can decide which version of the file to keep , or you can merge both sets of changes .

  28. 除了将最新的非发布概要文件版本标记为发布版本(并将它与发布标签联合起来)之外,所有其它非发布版本都被清除。

    In addition to marking the latest non-released profile version as released ( and associating it with the release label ), all other non-released versions are removed .

  29. 源代码控制系统允许用户“回滚”到以前的文件版本,从而恢复以前的状态或从错误中恢复。

    Source control allows you to " roll back " to a previous iteration of a file to restore the status quo or to recover from an error .

  30. 在“分支起源版本”部分的“依据”列表中,单击要根据其创建新分支的文件版本。

    In the branch from version section , in the by list , click the version of the file from which you want to create your new branch .