
  1. 加强图书馆工作为培养文艺人才服务

    Strengthening the Library Work and Serving the Cultivation of the Artistic Talents

  2. 必须十分重视文艺人才的培养。

    Special stress must be laid on the training of talented writers and artists .

  3. 介绍中国古代文艺人才思想的发展过程。

    This paper introduces the developing process of ancient Chinese thoughts of literature and art talents .

  4. 文艺人才思想正式产生于春秋时期,但大都渗透在对作家、艺术家、作品的具体论述之中,未成体系。

    The thoughts of artistic talents began in the Spring and Autumn Period , but the most penetrated into the discussion about the writers , art critics and works and they were not systematic .

  5. 西方文艺人才学虽然在西方哲学、艺术学、人才学著作中都有所体现,但终未形成自己独立的学科。

    The science of literary talents in the West has not yet been shaped into its own independent subject of study , although it is embodied in the writings of the Western philosophy , science of art , science of talents .

  6. 通过分析和归纳,将西方文艺人才思想的发展粗略地划分为这样几个时期:1神助论的古希腊时期,文艺创作的源泉是灵感,灵感有赖于神助;

    Through analysis and generalization , the literary talent idea in the West can be roughly divided into these periods : 1.Ancient Greek period of god-aid theory in which the source of literary creation was inspiration which relied on the god 's help ;

  7. 文章站在现代文艺学的角度,对西方文艺人才思想进行梳理,力图理清脉络,进而发现其基本特征。

    This article , from the angle for modern theory of Literature and art , sorting out the west talents of literature and art , tries to put the sequence of ideas in order and to find its characteristics .