
  1. 同时针对我国目前统筹区域经济发展战略,对于实施西部大开发与振兴东北老工业基地的经济发展战略中引入BOT方式的障碍与成功运作的经验以及要注意的问题作了进一步的分析。

    Meanwhile , the thesis analyzes the problems and experience of applying BOT way in the development strategies of regional economy and in the Western Development and in revitalizing the economy of the Northeast Industrial Base .

  2. 论省际边境永州区域经济发展战略&在中西结合部构筑经济隆起带

    On the economic development strategy of Yongzhou as a provincial region

  3. 长江江西段区域经济发展战略研究

    Development Strategy of Regional Economy in Jiangxi along the Yangtze River

  4. 我国区域经济发展战略重点西移的条件及意义分析

    Significance and Condition of Diverting Westward of Chinese Regional Economy

  5. 湖南省区域经济发展战略与开发布局研究

    Researching on Regional Economy Developing Strategy and Exploiting Arrangement of HUNAN Province

  6. 试论制定区域经济发展战略的若干原则

    Some Basic Principles in Making Strategies of Regional Economic Development

  7. 本文总结了区域经济发展战略理论。

    The paper sums up the theories of regional economy developing strategy .

  8. 中国区域经济发展战略和政策:区域协调型经济增长极

    On the Strategies and Policies for the Regional Economic Development in China

  9. 江西崛起于中部的区域经济发展战略

    Jiangxi Rises in the Middle Regional Economy Developmental Strategy

  10. 湖南西北部区域经济发展战略研究

    Studies on strategy for developing regional economy in the northwest of Hunan Province

  11. 可计算均衡模型在东北振兴区域经济发展战略中的应用

    Application of the enormous regional model in developing vigorously the northeast regional economy

  12. 我国区域经济发展战略调整及态势分析

    Analyses of the Strategic Adjustment and Situation about Regional Economic Development in China

  13. 浅谈宏观调控与区域经济发展战略

    On the Developmental Strategy of Macro-Regulation and Regional Economy

  14. 环渤海区域经济发展战略初探

    A tentative research into the economic development strategy of the Circum - Bohai Area

  15. 论中国区域经济发展战略的演进和布局调整

    On gradual progress and overall arrangement adjustment of China 's regional economy development strategy

  16. 中国区域经济发展战略的可持续性思考

    Sustainable development strategy of regional economy of China

  17. 辽西北区域经济发展战略分析

    An Analysis of the Developmental Strategy of the Regional Economy of the Northwest Liaoning

  18. 略论区域经济发展战略&兼论黄埔区经济发展战略

    Brief Discussion on Development Strategy of Regional Economy

  19. 陕西区域经济发展战略选择&加快公路交通建设

    A Strategy Choice for Shaanxi Province Regional Economic Development & Speeding up Highway Construction

  20. 【摘要】区域经济发展战略是关于区域经济发展的总体谋划。

    Abstract : Region economic development strategy is about the overall region economic development plan .

  21. 协调发展已成为当前区域经济发展战略制订中需要加以考虑的一个重要因素。

    Balanced development has been a fatal factor in the design of district economy development strategy .

  22. 环渤海经济圈城市群能级梯度分布结构与区域经济发展战略研究

    Strategic Research on Grade Distribution of Energy Grade Structure for Huan Bohai Sea Economic Region City Cluster

  23. 这对于浙江省抓住当前区域经济发展战略机遇期、掌握未来竞争的主动权,具有重要的现实意义。

    It is very important for Zhejiang Province to seize the opportunity of the regional economic development period .

  24. 从三个层面探讨环湖区域经济发展战略。

    The strategies for developing the regional economy of the Pan Dongting Lake area are explored in three aspects .

  25. 对福建区域经济发展战略认识,经历了一个逐步深化的过程。

    The strategic perception on the regional economic development of Fujian has experienced a gradual evolution in the past .

  26. 山海两地发展与福建区域经济发展战略演变

    The Development of Both Mountainous Area and the Coastal Area and Evolution of Regional Economic Development Strategy of Fujian Province

  27. 与时俱进,以打造蓝色经济区为契机,提升和明晰山东区域经济发展战略。

    We should treat the blue economic zone as an opportunity to improve and clarify the regional economic development strategy .

  28. 其次,发展浙贝母产业符合丽水市区域经济发展战略目标。

    Secondly , it was accordant with the region economic development plan to develop the Zhejiang Fritillary production in Lishui region .

  29. 第三部分概述了区域经济发展战略的支撑理论,以及我国区域经济发展战略的演变过程。

    The third part outlines the support of regional economic development strategy theory , and regional economic development strategy of evolution .

  30. 我国区域经济发展战略逐步调整,通过寻优推移实现非均衡发展成为协调发展区域经济的必然选择。

    That regional economical development strategy increasingly adjusts and realizing imbalanced development by optimization becomes necessary option when conforming regional economical development .