
  • 网络regional economic geography
  1. 区域经济地理的结构演进与思维特征

    The Structure Evolution and Thinking Features of Regional Economic Geography

  2. 我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学

    Regional economic geography study and the regional economic geography science in China

  3. 本文首次提出并界定了区域经济地理信息系统(REGIS)的概念,阐述了它的结构、功能以及构建区域经济地理信息系统的意义。

    This paper , for the first time , proposes the concept of REGIS and expounds its structure function the significance of REGIS construction .

  4. 非摩擦经济对区域经济地理理论的冲击

    The impact of non-frictional economy on the theory of regional economic geography

  5. 在起步阶段,区位理论和区域经济地理成为经济地理学研究的重点;

    In the start-up phase , Location Theory and Regional Economic Geography has been the focus of economic geography studies in Japan ;

  6. 中国区域经济地理研究历史悠久,是传统地理学初期研究的主要组成部分。

    The history about the study of China 's regional economic geography is so long , and it is a major component of early traditional geography study .

  7. 从总体上来说,《中国北方经济史》既是一部运用历史区域经济地理方法对北方经济进行考察的力作,更是经济重心南移问题研究的集大成之作。

    On the whole , it is a book that not only studys the economy of the Northern China in terms of economic geography , but also investigates the problem of the economic center moving from north to south .

  8. 港址选择所涉及的内容很多,除考虑港址自身的自然、技术、经济条件外,更需要对其进行区域经济地理比较,进行区域乃至城市范围内的港址选择。

    What involves in the site selection of a port is not only to consider the natural , technological and economic conditions of the port site , but also to compare with regional economic geography methods , make selection considering regional and even urban effects .

  9. 丽水区域块状经济地理分布特征、绩效与形成机制研究

    Research on Geographical Distribution , Effects and Formation of Regional Lump Economy in Lishui District

  10. 浙江区域块状经济地理空间分布特征及其产业优化布局研究

    Study on the distribution character of " regional mass economy " and the optimal disposition of industry in Zhejiang Province

  11. 综而观之,这些研究可以划归为几种主要研究思路:(1)从区域经济空间地理分布结构进行的研究;

    In general , These studies can be divided into some part as follow : ( 1 ) Study on the space structure of regional economy ;

  12. 在中国的浙江,全省86个县、市中有85个县、市拥有地方特色的区域块状经济地理分布特征。

    There was 85 counties or cities out of total 86 counties and cities of Zhejiang province in China which have their locale characteristic regional mass economy with a distribution in 175 different industry .

  13. 影响产业内贸易的因素主要包括各国经济发展水平、规模经济、产品差异化、国际直接投资、区域经济与地理区位等。

    The factors that influence the development of intra-industry trade between China and South Korea include economic development levels of each country , economies of scale , product differentiation , international direct investment , regional economy and geography .

  14. 分析可得各区域的经济和地理情况是确定市场模式的主要条件,在经济最发达地区的市场模式是最理想的。

    Analyzing the regional and geography situation is the main condition to establish market mode . It is the most ideal market mode in economically developed region .

  15. 天津保税区位于原塘沽区与经济技术开发区之间,属于滨海新区的核心区域,区域经济及地理优势明显。

    Tianjin Free Trade Zone which is located between the Economic and Technological Development Zone and Tanggu District is the core region of Binhai New Area , the regional economic and geographical advantages are obvious .

  16. 然而,区域经济学者和经济地理学者都把更多的视角放到广大的陆地区域,特别是区域经济的核心地带&城市,对同样是人类重要活动地区的群岛区域却鲜有关注。

    However , Scholars of regional economy and eco-geographers all put their more visual angles on vast land regions , especially the economic core zone of a region - urban area , but pay less attention to islands regions-the important areas of human activities .

  17. 主题公园与所在区域有很强的关联性,一方面它的生存和发展依赖于区域经济、地理、旅游、人口、政策等条件的完备,缺少相应的条件主题公园的生存会举步维艰。

    On the one hand , its existence and development rely on many local conditions including economy , geography , tourism , population , policies and so forth .