
  1. 世界上水产捕捞的10%是用来饲养动物的,包括养殖的肉食鱼。

    About 10 % of the seafood caught globally is used to feed animals , including carnivorous farmed fish .

  2. 到目前为止,已形成了海上运输、水产捕捞、海洋矿产资源开发等许多产业部门。

    By now , China has developed so many industrial departments such as sea carriage , marine-lives-catching , oceanic mine resource .

  3. 哈尼梯田水产捕捞习俗的弊端,破坏了正常的生态和食物链,阻碍了哈尼人规模化梯田渔业的发展,引发治安问题和火灾。

    The fishing maladies of Hani terrace break the normal ecology and the food chain , prevent the development scale of terrace fishery and cause the problem of public order and fire .

  4. 中国渔业保险是由保险机构为渔业生产者在水产养殖及捕捞作业生产过程中,当遭受自然灾害和意外事故造成经济损失时提供经济保障的一种保险。

    China fishery insurance provides the compensation for fishery producers when they suffer from economic losses by natural disasters or unexpected accidents during the normal production .

  5. 赤潮是严重的海洋灾害,危害水产养殖和捕捞业,破坏海洋生态环境,影响海洋旅游业,威胁海洋食品安全。

    Red tide is a serious marine disasters , which endangers aquaculture and fishing , destructs marine environment , affects the marine tourism and threatens the marine food security .

  6. 广泛应用于潜水旅游、水产养殖、渔业捕捞、水下施工、水下救援等。

    The product is extensively used in diving travel , aquaculture , fishery , operation under water and rescue under water .

  7. 除直接从事捕捞或水产养殖,与捕捞业相关的例如渔船建造业、渔具制造业、渔机设备生产、水产养殖用饲料、水产品加工、运输等行业,也提供了相当多的就业岗位。

    In addition to being directly engaged in fishing or aquaculture , fishing-related industries such as fishing vessels construction industry , fishing tackle industry , related equipment industry , aquatic feed industry , aquatic product processing industry and transportation , have also provided quite a lot of jobs .

  8. 中国拥有悠久的水产养殖、食用历史,同时也是世界上最大的水产国,每年的水产捕捞和养殖都为人们提供了大量的水产美味和高品质营养。

    China has a long history of fishing and is the largest aquaculture country in the world . With the dramatically growth of economy in China , the demand of Chinese people for aquatic food is increasing fast .