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shuǐ yùn
  • water transport;ship;water carriage;waterage
水运 [shuǐ yùn]
  • [water carriage;water transport] 利用船等在水面上运输

水运[shuǐ yùn]
  1. 客家毛村水运经济际遇的变迁

    The Change of Water Carriage economy of Mao Village , Hakka

  2. 水运基础设施建设项目后评价方法探讨

    Discuss on the Method of Post-evaluation of Water Carriage Construction Project

  3. 如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。

    If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage , then carriage by water will become more attractive .

  4. 他们把冰砸开,把水运到工地。

    They broke the ice and carried water to the site .

  5. GIS发展动态及在水运工程中的应用

    Development of Geographic Information System and Its Application in Channel Engineering

  6. GPS及其在水运工程上的应用前景

    CPS System and Its Prospective Application to the Water Transportation Engineering

  7. CAD技术的应用是提高水运工程设计水平的关键

    Application of CAD Technique Is the Key for Improving Design Level of Port and Waterway Engineering

  8. LNG罐式集装箱水运安全性探讨

    Discussion on safety issue for LNG tank container transported on waters

  9. 国内LPG水运市场分析

    An analysis of china 's LPG water transport market

  10. 本文通过对目前方兴未艾的地理信息系统(GIS)技术进行探讨性开发研究,创新性地提出了把地理信息系统(GIS)组件COM技术应用在水运气体化学品泄漏事故中,取得了实质性的进展。

    We the developed and studied technology of GIS , used it on the spilling accidents of bulk gas chemicals , and made a great progress .

  11. 物流业是中国加入WTO以后所受影响最大的领域之一,主要包括公路、水运行业,分销服务业。

    After entering WTO , Logistics industry is one of the greatest affected area in China , such as road transportation , water car - riage , retail service etc.

  12. 本文的主要工作是:研究WebServices技术架构;以Web服务封装水运管理的业务规则,基于Web服务建立水运管理信息系统;

    The article was focus on the aspects below : to study the technology framework of Web Services and to employ in the waterage management information system of ministry of communications to encapsulate the manage rules as web service ;

  13. 第一章对LPG货物的特性及货源进行了全面分析,使水运企业对运输对象有具体的了解和掌握。

    The first chapter particularly discusses the characteristic of LPG cargo and analyses its sources , which gives a concrete conception for the marine enterprises .

  14. 对当前GIS研究领域的几个热点,如面向对象技术、时空模型、应用模型和InternetGIS等作简要介绍,概括GIS在水运工程中的几个应用热点。

    This paper introduces several popular research fields , such as object-oriented , space-time GIS , geographic information modelling system , internet GIS and artificial intelligence . It also concludes several hot issues of the application in channel engineering .

  15. 本文以交通部水运管理信息系统为背景,通过对众多信息系统的研究,特别是对它们的层次和结构的分析,建立了一个基于WebServices的六层结构分布式信息系统。

    This paper takes the waterage management information system of ministry of communications as its background . By the research on many information system , especially on their layers and structures , this paper builds a distribute information system with six layers based on Web Services .

  16. 利用GPS授时功能,实现内河航道中航标灯的亮/灭同步是指示船舶安全运行在河道中的有力保障,为维护水运的安全起到很重要的作用。

    Use the GPS-induing-time function to achieve synchronously on and off of pharoses is a safeguard to indicate ships run-ning in the inland river waterway runs safely , and which have been making important functions for the inland river waterway naviga-tion safely .

  17. 水运工程可行性研究评审专家系统FRES

    The FRES System of Expert for Examining and Approving the Feasibility Study of Maritime Engineering

  18. 目前EPC模式越来越普遍,已经成功应用到兵器、电力、航空、机械、建筑、煤炭、石油和化工、水运、铁道等20多个行业。

    EPC model is currently more common , has been successfully applied to the weapons , power , aviation , machinery , construction , coal , petroleum and chemical , water , railway and other 20 industries .

  19. 近年来,随着水运工程建设的高速发展,大直径PHC管桩的要求逐年增加,同时业主与设计单位也对管桩的性能和质量提出了更高的要求。

    With rapid development of marine works recently , the needs of large diameter PHC spun piles are increased year by year . Meanwhile , higher performance and higher quality of spun pile become more important .

  20. 文章首先简述了面向对象建模语言UML的建模机制,随后基于面向对象技术,采用统一建模语言,结合水运行业中船务代理系统,进行了一个完整的实例分析、设计及实现过程。

    This paper introduces modeling mechanics of Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) . Then , based on the O-O technology and the help of UML , the complete example is presented in which the management information system about shipping agent is analyzed , designed and realized .

  21. 主要阐述水运工程可行性研究的内容以及FRES系统的组成及其结构。

    The content of feasibility study of maritime engineering and the composition and structure of FRES system were mainly expounded in the paper .

  22. 另据相关消息,围绕《水运资源开发法》(WRDA)的会议再次召开。

    In related transportation news , the Waterways Resource Development Act ( WRDA ) is again back in conference .

  23. PGS型中地层地质剖面仪(又称精密地质声呐)系由中国科学院声学研究所东海研究站和交通部水运规划设计院共同研制和开发的新的海洋地质仪器。

    Model PGS Mid-stratigraphic Geological Profiler is a new geological instrument developed jointly by East China Sea Acoustical Lab , Institute of Acoustics , Academia Sinica , and the Water Transportation Planning & Designing Institute , Ministry of Communication .

  24. 针对上述需要,本文结合交通部天津水运工程科学研究院中央公益性基金项目(TKS070204)对高桩码头横梁的可靠性进行分析计算。

    Then , this paper is combining with part study of the projects of the central public fund ( TKS070204 ) which is belongs to Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering .

  25. 长江水运旅游发展研究

    Study on the Development of Waterborne Tourism of the Yangtze River

  26. 水运工程建设五十年

    Construction of Port and Waterway Engineering during the Past Fifty Years

  27. 水运交通电视监控图象传输技术研究

    The Research on Image Transmission Technique of Shipping Traffic TV Surveillance

  28. 水运货物数字化无提单交货

    Water Transport Goods Figured Delivery of Cargo without Bills of Lading

  29. 技术进步测算方法在水运企业经济增长中的应用

    Application of Technical Progress Estimation to Economic Growth of Shipping Enterprises

  30. 结合水运系统进行船型分析

    An Analysis of Ship Types in View of Water Transportation System