
  • 网络regional economic growth;Growth of Regional Economic
  1. FDI产业集聚与江苏区域经济增长

    FDI Business Agglomeration and Regional Economic Growth in Jiangsu

  2. FDI的区位分布、路径依赖与区域经济增长

    The Location & Path Dependence of FDI in China and the Regional Economic Growth

  3. 财政支出对区域经济增长的影响效应分析&基于PANELDATA模型的实证研究

    Analysis of the Financial Expenditure Effect on Regional Economy Growth & the Empirical Analysis with Panel Data model

  4. 库兹涅茨倒U假说在长三角区域经济增长中不成立。

    Hypotheses of inverted U-shaped cannot be applied in the economic development of Chang-delta district .

  5. 本文进一步讨论了FDI促进我国区域经济增长的传导机制,其中包括静态机制和动态机制两个方面。

    This article further discusses the transmission mechanisms of FDI-growth relationships , including the static and dynamic mechanisms .

  6. FDI与区域经济增长的实证研究&基于天津经济技术开发区数据的计量检验

    Empirical Analysis on FDI and Regional Economic Growth : Based on Quantitative Test of Data from Tianjin Economic Development Zone

  7. FDI分布不平衡对我国区域经济增长影响分析&基于省际面板数据分析

    An Analysis on the Impact of Uneven Distribution of FDI upon Regional Economic Growth in China & Based on Inter-provincial Panel Data

  8. 其中制造业占GDP比重达到45%左右,成为推动浙江区域经济增长的主要动力。

    Particularly , the manufacturing sector accounts for 45 % of GDP , which becomes a major driving force in promoting regional economic growth .

  9. 本文主旨,就在于对这两个有一定相似性的沿海城市引进FDI与区域经济增长,进行比较研究。

    The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study of these two cities in the relationship of FDI and economic growth .

  10. 文章首先从FDI技术溢出效应影响区域经济增长的作用传导机制、作用渠道、作用条件三个方面进行理论阐述。

    At first , we theoretically analyze the conduct mechanism , effect channel and effect condition of FDI technological spillover effects to regional economical growth .

  11. 作为衍生很广的新兴产业,动漫产业能促进GDP,成为使区域经济增长和促进产业转换的朝阳产业。

    Derivative is widely emerging industry , animation industry can promote GDP , to become the regional economic growth and to promote industrial transformation of the sunrise industry .

  12. 文章在区别外资技术扩散效应与溢出效应概念的基础上,通过构建衡量外资技术扩散计量模型,从时间和空间的角度检验了以FDI为载体的技术扩散对中国区域经济增长的影响。

    Through the spatial and temporal viewpoints , by econometrics model , the effects of the technological diffusion via FDI on regional economic growth across China are tested .

  13. 随后在现状分析的基础上,对FDI通过何种途径促进区域经济增长、投资一体化和贸易一体化进行了理论探讨,并通过一系列相关统计指标对其结果进行初步确认。

    In the present analysis , I discuss how FDI promotes regional economic growth , investment integration and trade integration , then preliminarily confirm the results by a series of relevant statistical indicators .

  14. 未来有关FDI与东道国经济增长的研究可能从内生经济增长的角度出发,采用新的研究方法,研究FDI促进我国经济增长的微观机制、FDI与我国区域经济增长的一般规律。

    The future research on the pertinence between FDI and the economic growth may start from inner economy rise and focus on pursuing the microeconomic mechanism of FDI promoting economy with new method .

  15. 实证结果表明各地区FDI、产业结构对各区域经济增长拉动作用均存在差异,这种差异共同造成福建省区域经济差距的扩大。

    The empirical results showed that there are differences in promotion of the FDI 、 industrial structure on the regional economic growth , which caused the expansion of regional economic disparity in Fujian Province .

  16. 区域经济增长的物流支持研究&基于湖南数据的协整检验和VEC模型分析

    Analysis on Logistics Supporting in Regional Economic Growth & Co-integration Test and Vector Error Correction Model Based on Hunan Province

  17. 在此基础上,本文通过构建模型实证分析了FDI对三大区域经济增长的影响,其中采用的实证分析方法包括时间序列数据的单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果关系检验和面板数据模型分析。

    On this basis , this article establishes a model to analyze the FDI-growth effects among three regions . The empirical analysis methods include unit root test , cointegration test as well as Granger causality test of time series data and panel-data model analysis .

  18. 我国区域经济增长消费弹性的差异分析

    Research on Regional Difference of Consumption Elasticity of China Economic Growth

  19. 中国区域经济增长趋同与分异研究

    A study on regional economic growth convergence and divergence in China

  20. 三是深化投资合作,发挥投资在区域经济增长中的拉动作用。

    Third , deepen investment cooperation to drive regional economic growth .

  21. 入境旅游与区域经济增长关系实证分析

    Analysis on the relationship between inbound tourism and regional economic growth

  22. 产业结构调整、制度变迁与区域经济增长

    Industrial Structure Adjustment , System Evolvement and Regional Economic Growth

  23. 区域经济增长路径选择的再思考&以劳动力为视角

    Route Selection for Regional Economic Growth & A Perspective from Labor Force

  24. 地方政府行为、财政支出结构与区域经济增长研究

    Local Government Behavior , Expenditure Structure and Regional Economy Growth

  25. 中国城市与区域经济增长的扩散回流与市场区效应

    Spread-backwash and Market Area Effects of Urban and Regional Growth in China

  26. 地方财政支出对区域经济增长影响性分析

    Analysis on the Impact of Local Expenditures on Economic Growth of Regions

  27. 长江三角洲区域经济增长趋同检验与分析

    Inspection and Analyses of Regional Economic Growth Convergence in Yangtze River Delta

  28. 空间结构重组具有显著的区域经济增长效应。

    Spatial reorganization has striking effects of regional economic development .

  29. 企业规模扩张:区域经济增长的主要方式

    Enterprise Expansion & a Primary Pattern of Regional Economic Growth

  30. 我国区域经济增长的空间计量实证分析

    Spatial Econometrical Empirical Analysis of Regional Economic Growth in China