
qū yù jīnɡ jì hé zuò
  • regional economic cooperation
  1. 然而,WTO多边贸易合作体系协调难度较大,各国开始将政策转向注重参与区域经济合作。

    However , the WTO multilateral trading system of cooperation subjected to coordination difficulties renders the policy of countries turned to focus on participation in regional economic cooperation .

  2. 此次会议的主要议题包括WTO新一轮谈判、全球经济的发展形势、区域经济合作、未来亚欧经济合作的展望等。

    The topics of this meeting include the new round of WTO negotiations , global economic enviornment , regional economic cooperation , future perspective of Asia-Europe economic cooperation , etc.

  3. 如何破解区域经济合作碎片化风险?

    How can we resolve the risks that regional economic integration for connectivity development ?

  4. APEC区域经济合作组织制度研究

    Study on the APEC 's Mechanism as an Region Economic Cooperation Organization

  5. 亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation,APEC)是目前为止亚太地区乃至世界上最有影响的区域经济合作组织之一。

    APEC ( Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ) has been the largest organization for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific area , even in the world by now .

  6. 新地区主义的非传统收益(Non-traditionalgain)理论为研究区域经济合作问题提供了新的思路和方法。

    The theory of non-traditional gain in New Regionalism offers new ideas and approaches for the study of the cooperation of regional economy .

  7. 目前,世界经济存在着两种整合方式:一种是WTO代表的多边贸易体制,另一种是欧盟代表的区域经济合作机制。

    Currently , there are two integrated world economy ways : one is the representative of WTO multilateral trade system and the other is the European Union on behalf of regional economic cooperation mechanisms .

  8. 进入21世纪以来,CEPA、中国东盟自由贸易区以及泛珠江三角洲等区域经济合作的深入,为珠江航运赋予了新的使命。

    Since21th century , Pearl River navigation is playing a new important role in CEPA , China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Pan-pearl River Delta cooperation .

  9. 在当前全球多边贸易谈判进展缓慢的背景下,区域经济合作&其中绝大多数是以自由贸易区(FTA)的形式,在世界各地蓬勃开展起来。

    Within the context of the recent slow progress in global multilateral trade negotiation , regional economic cooperation , mostly in the form of FTA , is blooming throughout the World .

  10. 近年来,WTO多哈回合谈判步履维艰以及坎昆会议的受挫,加速了全球区域经济合作的发展,区域贸易协定已成为国际经济合作的一种重要法律形式。

    In recent years , WTO negotiation went on with great difficulties in Doha and even suffered frustrations in Cancun conference , which has quickened global economic cooperation within regions . Regional trade agreement has become an important form for international economy cooperation .

  11. 在当今世界现存的区域经济合作组织中,北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)以其所取得的巨大成就而受世人瞩目。

    Among the existing regional economic organizations , North America Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) is the one that is best known for its extraordinary achievements .

  12. 东亚区域经济合作和一体化从提出、探讨到FTA在不同国家之间的签署和具体实施到东亚区域经济合作和一体化的制度化建设,东亚在迈向区域经济一体化的道路上已经取得了较大的进展。

    From the proposal , discussion and implementation to the institution construction of the East Asian regional economic cooperation and the integration , East Asia has already achieved a big progress on the path .

  13. 此基础上,他信政府提出了一系列对外合作倡议,如亚洲合作对话(ACD)、大湄公河次区域经济合作(GMS)等。

    Apart from that first step , Thaksin had initiated a series of cooperation agreements , like Asia Cooperation Dialogue ( ACD ) and Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation ( GMS ) .

  14. 2001年11月中国与东盟10国就建立中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)达成了一致意见,这标志着中国迈出了参与区域经济合作的坚实一步。

    In November 2001 , China and the ten ASEAN countries reached a consensus on the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement ( CAFTA ), signifying its solid move towards participating in regional economic cooperation .

  15. 东亚区域经济合作与我国的战略对策

    Participation in Regional Economic Cooperation of East Asia and China Strategy

  16. 东北亚区域经济合作的切入点

    The Starting Point of the Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asian Area

  17. 加强区域经济合作,促进北部湾经济圈的崛起

    Enhancing Regional Economic Co-operation to Accelerate the Development of Beibu Bay

  18. 亚洲开发银行与湄公河次区域经济合作

    The Asian Development Bank and the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation

  19. 多边/区域经济合作与中国自由贸易区制度设计

    Multilateral / Regional Economic Cooperation and Chinese Free Trade Area System Design

  20. 加快东亚区域经济合作的步伐

    Accelerate the Pace of Regional Economic Cooperation in East Asia

  21. 论我国区域经济合作的梯级推进形式

    Some Viewpoints about Stair Promoting Form of Regional Economic Co-operation in China

  22. 东北亚区域经济合作环境变化趋势

    On Changing Environment of Regional Economic Cooperations in Northeast Asia

  23. 论我国对外区域经济合作立法的迫切性

    On the Urgency of Legislation for Abroad Regional Economy Cooperation

  24. 东北亚区域经济合作与内蒙古经济发展

    Northeast Asia Regional Economic Cooperation And Inner Mongolia Economic Development

  25. 加强区域经济合作,发展西南开放型经济

    Reinforce Regional Cooperation & Develop Open Economy of the Southwest of China

  26. 滇桂区域经济合作:障碍、潜力与前景分析

    Analysis of the Dian-Gui Regional Cooperation : Obstacle 、 Potential and Outlook

  27. 区域经济合作是促使开放型经济的重要动力。

    Regional cooperation is an important factor to impel the economy open .

  28. 区域经济合作与开放型经济的目标是内在地一致的。

    The targets of regional cooperation and open economy are inwardly consistent .

  29. 大湄公河次区域经济合作政治信任度研究

    Political Trust in Greater Mekong Sub - region Economic Cooperation

  30. 上海合作组织自由贸易区实现路径探析&基于次区域经济合作视角

    On the Route of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Free Trade Zone