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yī shì
  • Healer;doctor;medical assistant;feldsher;practitioner with secondary medical school education
医士 [yī shì]
  • (1) [doctor]∶医生

  • (2) [prectitioner with secondary madical school education]∶受过中等医学教育或具有同等能力、经国家卫生部门审查合格的负医疗责任的医务工作者

医士[yī shì]
  1. 我们计划在未来3年内为每辆救护车配备一名急救医士。

    We intend to have a paramedic on every ambulance within the next three years .

  2. 整骨医士正给她治疗受伤的背部。

    An osteopath has been treating her injured back .

  3. 急诊医士说他将会没事的。

    EMTs said he 'll be okay .

  4. 僧侣和医士研究梦,以寻求病因和治疗方法。

    Priests and medicine men studied dreams to learn the cause and cure of sicknesses .

  5. 举办儿童保健医士职高班浅议

    A discussion on sponsoring of professional medical class for training of rural child health care doctors

  6. 穿过走廊后,医士把罗斯托夫领进军官病房,病房有三个房间,房门都是敞开的。

    THE ASSISTANT walked along the corridor and led Rostov to the officers'wards , three rooms with doors opening between them .

  7. 在诸多历史文献中,均记载了随郑和下西洋的医官医士多180名。

    In the historic document it was recorded that there were more than 180 medical officials and workers together with Zheng He to the West .

  8. 这主要表现在医生的派遣,治疗方法的成熟,蒙古医士的特色医疗方法,药材的选购以及抚恤制度的完善等方面。

    This mainly manifested in the dispatch of doctors , the treatment of mature , Mongolia healers approach the characteristics of medical , the choose of medicine , the perfect of pension system and so on .