
  1. 中国特色的军队医学类专业课程体系构建研究

    Study on constructing curriculum system with Chinese characteristics for military medicine specialty

  2. 长学制医学类专业化学课程体系的构筑

    Constructing system of chemical subjects for long length schooling program in medicine

  3. 山东省医学类专业学生医德教育现状及对策研究

    The Present Situation and Countermeasures of Medical Ethics Education of Medical Students in Shandong Province

  4. 在新的专业目录中,将高职高专之前招生的相关医学类专业,调整为医学技术类专业。

    The enrollment of higher vocational and professional schools adjusted from related medical classes specialty to medical technology classes specialty in it .

  5. 选修课程作为医学类专业培养方案的重要组成部分,有利于扩展学生知识面,改善知识结构,提高综合素质。

    Electives , as an important component of medical education , are useful for students in expanding knowledge scope , improving knowledge structure and increasing overall capacity .

  6. 高职院校医学类专业均设计卫生统计或相关知识,因受多方面因素的影响,使之成为教学难点。

    Higher vocational medical colleges have offered the curriculum of sanitation statistics and related knowledge class , but it meets with teaching difficulties on account of a lot of factors .

  7. 加强七年制医学影像类专业PACS应用技术教学的研究

    Study on enhancement of teaching PACS application in seven-year program of medical image

  8. 医学相关类专业设置及其人才培养的探讨

    The Discussion on Constituting Health-Correlated Profession and Cultivating its Talents

  9. 第二,明确高职高专医学技术类专业的课程建设的基本目标在于培养实际应用的能力。第三,不断丰富课程教学资源是高职高专医学技术类专业的课程建设的重要方面。

    Second , clear vocational medical technical professional course construction basic goal lies in cultivating the ability of practical application . Third , enrich teaching resources are higher vocational medical technical professional course construction basic .

  10. 我国医学相关类专业教育始于上世纪80年代,目前存在总体招生规模小、专业分布不合理及学历分布不均衡的的问题。

    The education of allied medicine profession in China begins from 80 's last century , which currently has problems as a small-sized enrollment , an inconsequential profession distribution and an unbalanced distribution in educational background .

  11. 我国普通高等医学院校高职类专业名称研究GB/T16835-1997高等学校本科、专科专业名称代码

    Cross-sectional Study on the Names of Majors of Vocational Education of Medical Colleges in China Code of normal and short-cycle speciality

  12. 该调查显示,超6成受访高考状元倾向于选择与经济相关的专业,其次是管理类专业(33.33%)和哲学类专业(8.33%)。农学、医学、军事学类专业排在最后,无人对此感兴趣。

    The survey shows more than 60 % of the surveyed top scorers tended to choose majors related to economy , followed by management ( 33.33 % ) and philosophy ( 8.33 % ) . Agriculture , medicine and military were at the bottom , with no interest at all .

  13. 但主要以护理、药学、中药、医学检验、康复治疗技术、医药营销等医学相关类专业为主。

    But they are mainly focused on nursing , pharmacy , traditional Chinese medicine , medical testing , rehabilitation technology , and other medical-related professions . 4 .

  14. 为迎接医学科学的发展给医学教育带来的挑战,我校对长学制医学类专业化学课程教学内容和课程体系的创新与实践进行了研究。

    Confronted by the challenge brought to the medical education due to the development of medical science , we reformed the content and system of chemical subjects for long length schooling programs in medicine .