
  • 网络hospital library
  1. INTERNET环境下医院图书馆的数字化建设

    Digital Establishment of Hospital library on Internet

  2. 中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD)在医院图书馆的应用

    The Application of Chinese Journal Full - text Database in Hospital Library

  3. 医院图书馆生存与发展空间的SWOT分析

    Survival and development of hospital libraries : SWOT analysis

  4. 实施ISO9000与医院图书馆管理

    Execution of ISO 9000 and management of hospital libraries

  5. 本文论述了VPN技术在医院图书馆远程访问中的应用,并根据医院用户需求给出具体的解决方案。

    Application of VPN Technology in Hospital 's Library remote access has been explained in this text , and a solution on base of the needs of the members of hospital has been provided .

  6. 阐述了医院图书馆开展医学继续教育(CME)的必要性,介绍了医院图书馆进行CME的3种方式,并提出医院图书馆应关注的问题。

    The necessaries of continuing medical education ( CME ) in hospital library are expounded , three methods of CME in hospital library are introduced , and some problems which hospital library should be concerned about are put forward .

  7. 新形势下医院图书馆的生存与发展

    The Existance and Development of Hospital Library Under the New Situation

  8. 医院图书馆开展文献检索知识教育的实践和体会

    Experiences of the teaching of medical literature retrieval in hospital libraries

  9. 对医院图书馆主动为科研服务的思考

    Thinkings on Providing Services for Scientific Research Initiatively by Hospital Libraries

  10. 医院图书馆定题情报服务的实践与思考

    Practice and Thoughts on Fixed Subject Intelligence Service of Hospital Libraries

  11. 现代信息技术环境下的医院图书馆发展探讨

    The Development of Hospital Library under the Modern Information Technology Enviroment

  12. 医院图书馆数字资源需求与服务的读者调查及分析

    Survey on Readers'Needs for Digital Resources and Service of Hospital Libraries

  13. 医院图书馆如何提供全方位医学信息服务

    How the Hospital Library to Provide the Omnibearing Medical Information Service

  14. 医院图书馆建立学科馆员制度的探讨

    Probe into Establishing the System of Subject Librarian in Hospital Library

  15. 医院图书馆为读者撰写论文提供服务的探讨

    How hospital libraries help readers in writing papers : a discussion

  16. 基层医院图书馆数字化发展趋势探讨

    Investigation on the Development Current of Library Digitalization in Foot-layer Hospital

  17. 新时期医院图书馆采访工作思考

    A Consideration of the Hospital Library Purchase Task in New Times

  18. 中医药文献;综合性医院图书馆;医院发展。

    TCM literature ; Library of synthetical hospital ; Hospital development .

  19. 医院图书馆书目情报需求与服务

    The Demand on and Service of Bibliography Information in Hospital Library

  20. 医院图书馆电脑检索室的功能及拓展

    Function and Development of Computer Searching Room of Hospitals ' Library

  21. 网络环境下医院图书馆特色数据库建设探讨

    On the Featured Database Construction for Hospital Library in Network Environment

  22. 网络时代基层医院图书馆服务模式的转变

    Service mode transformation of grass root hospital library in Network Era

  23. 网络环境下医院图书馆信息服务手段探索

    Practice of Information Service means in Hospital Libraries Under Network Environment

  24. 山东省医院图书馆人力资源现状研究

    Research on Human Resource Status of Hospital Libraries in Shandong Province

  25. 网络环境下医院图书馆发展的思路

    Thinking of Reforming of the Hospital Library Under the Network Circumstance

  26. 北京地区医院图书馆资源共享网络建设

    Development of resource sharing network of hospital libraries in Beijing

  27. 人本思想在医院图书馆工作的应用

    The Application of Humanism Thoughts at the Hospital Library Work

  28. 对当前医院图书馆读者服务模式的思考

    Thinking on the current mode of hospital library in service

  29. 诚信教育在医院图书馆工作中的作用

    Role of honest and creditable education in hospital library work

  30. 西部地区图书馆人员流失原因及对策浅析医院图书馆人员现状与素质培养

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Personnel Loss of Library in the Western Regions