
  • 网络spin off;spin-off;Spin-off Company
  1. 清华大学衍生公司充分利用学校在科研技术和品牌上的优势,与市场以及公司内部管理相结合,使得企业能够更快速健康地持续发展。

    Tsinghua University spin-off companies have been growing with high speed and healthy system while combing the advantage of the brand and technology development of the university with the market and internal management system .

  2. 目前有36%以上的衍生企业其研发投入占到年销售收入的10-20%,足以说明清华大学衍生公司在技术研发上投入的力度。

    By now more than 36 % of the spin-off companies spend 10-20 % of annual turnover on the research and development . Some companies do the R & D by themselves ;

  3. 清华大学衍生公司有着二十余年的发展历史。

    Tsinghua University has more than twenty years ' development history .

  4. 商业实践中,这种所有权与经营权相分离的立法模式,虽然适应了市场经济的发展要求,但随之而来衍生出公司治理成本过高的问题。

    In commercial practice , the legislation model to depart ownership and management power fits the development of market economy , however it arouses the problem of increasing management cost .

  5. 突然推出天气衍生产品的公司越来越多。

    More and more firms began popping up to sell the specialized weather derivatives .

  6. 为了购买或出售衍生产品,公司通常必须拿出抵押品来抵付任何可能需要支付的款项。

    In order to buy or sell derivatives , companies usually have to put up collateral to cover any potential payments .

  7. 股票期权制度作为一种重要的金融衍生工具和公司经理人员的激励机制,在我国受到了越来越多的关注。

    As an important derivative financial means and an inspiring system for managers , the executive stock option is now under heated discussion .

  8. 农业产业化经营过程中,衍生出来以公司+农户为主要形式的订单农业。

    With the development of the industrialized management of agriculture , there exists contract farming with the form " company + farmer " .

  9. 并且,以建设银行为例,展示了资产证券化和金融衍生工具提升公司价值的全过程。

    The China Construction Bank as an example is demonstrated the entire process of the asset securitization and the financial derivatives enhancing the value .

  10. 衍生行有限公司正积极扩大及发展全球市场,欢迎顾客对我们提供任何宝贵的意见,从而提升产品及服务质素;

    Hin Sang Hong Company Limited is aggressively expanding in the worldwide market and welcomes your valuable comments and suggestions about how we can improve our products and service .

  11. 衍生金融工具在公司理财中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of Financial Derivative Instruments in Corporate Finance

  12. 不幸的是,我发现太多创始人忽视了这条法则的衍生理论&创业公司比较优势法则。

    Unfortunately , I see too many founders ignoring the entrepreneurial corollary to this law , the start-up law of comparative advantage .