
  • 网络nano-optics;Nano Optics;nanooptics
  1. 纳米光学是近些年研究的热点,其包括物质的纳米级限制、辐射的纳米级限制及纳米加工技术和纳米器件。

    Nano-optics is a hotspot in recent years , which includes nanometer level limitation of materials , nanometer restrictions of the radiation , nano-processing technology and nano-devices .

  2. 主要概述了纳米电子学、纳米物理学、纳米生物学、纳米光学、纳米光电子学、纳米机械学及纳米显微学等的发展及应用。

    The current development and application of nano-electronics , nano-physics , nano-biology , nano-optics , nano-optoelectronics , nano-mechanics , nano-scope are emphatically described .

  3. X射线显微成像纳米光学元件制作与应用研究

    Study on the Fabrication and the Applications of Nano X-ray Imaging and Microscopy Optics

  4. Sb掺杂SnO2/SiO2纳米光学气敏薄膜的制备及其性质

    Characteristics and Preparation of Nanometer-sized Sb-doped SnO_2 / SiO_2 Optical Gas-sensing Thin Films

  5. Yun设想将纳米光学腔集成到激光细胞上。

    To achieve this , Yun envisages integrating a nano-scale optical cavity into the laser cell itself .

  6. 纳米光学测量技术

    Nanometer Optical Measuring Technology

  7. 表面等离子体极化波是沿着金属和介质交界面传输的导行电磁波,它的光场具有局域性,人们可以利用表面等离子体的特性研究新型的纳米光学器件。

    The surface plasma polarization wave is a transmission electromagnetic wave between the interface of metal and medium .

  8. 复合纳米光学变色薄膜

    Composite Nano Chromotropic Film

  9. 用热蒸发和磁控溅射的物理镀膜方法和溶胶凝胶化学涂布的方法相结合制备了有机和无机复合纳米光学变色薄膜。

    Physical method , including thermal evaporation and magnetic sputtering , and chemical coating method are applied to prepare organic-inorganic composite chromotropic film .

  10. 分支波导作为最基本的分光和光路连接元件是纳米光学器件设计与制备的基础。

    As a basic optical splitting and light-connecting device , nano-scale Y-branch waveguide is the basis of designing and developing nano-scale optical devices .

  11. 纳米光学技术展示了纳米级探测本领,同时生物单分子探测所需要分辨尺度也是纳米数量级的,因此在生物单分子探测过程中,纳米光学发挥了巨大的作用。

    Optics on the nanometer scale is particularly suitable for the detection of biological single molecules and may be expected to play a very significant role .

  12. 这些效应可以在生化检测传感器、纳米光学器件以及太阳能电池等方面得到应用,使光和电的功能在同一微纳器件上的集成成为可能。

    All of these extraordinary effects can be explored on bio-chemical sensors , nano-optical and solar cells , making it possible to have the effects of optical and electrical integrated on single chip .

  13. 一维ZnO基纳米材料光学性质研究

    Optical Properties of One Dimensional ZnO-based Nano-materials

  14. ZnO纳米结构光学特性的研究。

    Optical properties of the ZnO nanostructures .

  15. 介绍了MCM-41型中孔分子筛的性能、合成过程和近年来在催化、吸附、纳米、光学材料和环保等领域的应用情况,并对MCM-41的发展前景进行了展望。

    The properties , synthesis and application of MCM-41 mesoporous zeolites in catalysis , adsorption , nanometer material , optical material and environmental protection were reviewed , and their prospects were discussed .

  16. 文章还研究了不同Zn/Cd的摩尔比对CdS/ZnS纳米微粒光学性能的影响,UV-VIS谱表明随着壳层厚度的增加CdS/ZnS纳米晶的吸收带边有轻微的红移;

    Being considered the optical properties of CdS / ZnS core-shell structure nanocrystals with a different ratio of Zn / Cd , the UV-VIS absorption edge of CdS / ZnS becomes a slight red-shift with the increasing of the thickness of ZnS layer .

  17. 纳米级光学平台控制系统设计

    A Design of the Control System for the Nanometer Optical Flat

  18. 金芯-银壳复合纳米微粒光学吸收光谱分析

    Analysis of Optical Absorption Spectra of Ag-Coated Au Composite Nanoparticles

  19. 纳米精度光学非球面研磨、抛光技术

    Grinding and Polishing Technology for High Accuracy Aspheric Surface

  20. 紫外-可见吸收光谱研究了金银纳米薄膜光学性质的变化。

    UV-Vis spectra shows the change of optical property of Au and Ag nanoparticles thin film .

  21. 本文讨论纳米精确度光学对准技术,以用于采用热固化树脂的微光学包装。

    This paper discusses a nanometer level precision alignment technique as applied to highly efficient micro optics packaging using heat curable adhesives .

  22. 近场光学显微镜根据非辐射场的探测与成像原理,能够突破普通光学显微镜所受到的衍射极限,在超高光学分辨率下进行纳米尺度光学成像与纳米尺度光谱研究。

    Scanning near-field optical microscopy ( SNOM ) provides unique ways of optical imaging with ultrahigh resolution and spectroscopy at nanometer scale .

  23. 近年来,随着化学合成技术和微纳加工技术的不断提高,基于微纳金属结构的纳米集成光学器件得到了迅速的发展。

    In recent years , with the deep research on the chemical synthesis technology and micro-and nano-machining technology , all-optical integrated optical devices developed rapidly at the small scale with metal structures .

  24. 金属的材料特性、形状、尺寸等都是影响金属纳米颗粒光学特性的关键因素,纳米颗粒和荧光物质之间的距离也是影响荧光物质发光强度的主要参数。

    Metallic material properties , shape , size , etc. are the key factors for affecting the optical properties of metal nanoparticles . The distance between the fluorescent substances and nanoparticles are also the main parameters to affect the fluorescence emission intensity of fluorescent substances .

  25. 近场扫描光学显微镜突破了光学衍射极限的限制,可获得纳米尺度光学分辨率,为纳米尺度结构与光谱性能的研究提供了有力的工具。

    Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy ( NSOM ) provides a very high special-resolution beyond the Rayleigh scattering limit , and helps us to obtain an optical resolution of nanometer scale . Therefore , NSOM becomes a powerful tool to explore the nanometer scale structure and spectrum .

  26. 高分子软模板法自组装生长ZnO纳米线及其光学性能

    Self-assembling Oriented Growth and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanowires via Polymer Soft-template

  27. 溶剂热辅助法控制合成ZnO纳米结构及其光学性质研究

    Synthesis , Controlling and Photoluminescence Study of ZnO Nanostructures Under Solvothermal-Assisted Heat Treatment

  28. Mn掺杂ZnO纳米晶的光学和磁学性质研究

    Optical Properties and Magnetism of Mn-doped ZnO Nanocrystals

  29. 含Eu(DBM)3·H2O纳米微晶的光学树脂的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and properties of polymer materials containing eu ( dbm ) _3 · h_2o nanocrystallines

  30. 热镀铁锌渣制纳米ZnO的光学吸收及抑菌性能

    Property of Optical Absorption and Bacteria Inhibition of Nano ZnO Prepared by Thermo-plating Hard Zn with Fe