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  • Nattokinase;natto kinase
  1. 纳豆激酶分离纯化及纤溶活性研究

    Research on Purification and Fibrinolytic Activity Assay of Natto kinase from Natto

  2. 纳豆激酶是一种新型抗血栓药物,具有安全性好,作用迅速且持续时间长,口服易吸收,可由纳豆菌发酵生产而造价低廉等特点。

    Natto kinase ( NK ) is a new anti-thrombus drug produced by Bacillus natto , Which has good safety and absorption .

  3. 经间接ELISA反应证实,所获得的纳豆激酶单克隆抗体是特异性针对纳豆芽孢杆菌的。

    In indirect ELISA , two monoclonal antibodies were specific for Bacillus natto .

  4. E.coli中高效表达外源蛋白的探索及其在纳豆激酶中的应用

    Study of the Method to Highly-Express Exogenous Protein in E.coli and It 's Application to Natto Kinase and Pro-Natto Kinase

  5. 经检测重组酵母发酵上清液中具纳豆激酶溶纤活性,SDS-PAGE电泳结果表明外源蛋白的表达量占菌体蛋白的10%左右。

    The fibrinolytic activity was detected with the expression products of recombinant yeasts and the expression protein constituted 10 % of the total cell protein by SDS-PAGE .

  6. 纳豆激酶(Nattokinase,简称NK)是从日本传统食品纳豆中提取出来的具有溶血栓作用的一种酶。

    Nattokinase ( NK ) is a fibrinolytic enzyme that is extracted from natto & a traditional food in Japan .

  7. 利用Plackett-Burman法(PB法),以紫外分光光度法作为测量方法对产纳豆激酶枯草芽孢杆菌种子液培养条件进行了优化。

    Plackett-Burman method ( PB method ) and UV spectrometer as testing method were used to optimize the culture conditions of natto kinase-producing Bacillus subtilis strain seed liquid .

  8. 纳豆激酶(NattokinaseNK)是纳豆发酵过程中由纳豆枯草杆菌(Bacillussubtilsnatto)产生的一种丝氨酸蛋白酶。

    Nattokinase ( NK ) is produced by Bacillus subtils natto in the process of the fermentation of Natto which is a fibrinolytic serine enzyme .

  9. 本文采用纤维平板法测定纳豆激酶的活性,用美蓝染色法对传统的纤维平板进行了改进,并以尿激酶为标准,测定纳豆激酶发酵液酶活为7280(IU/mL)。

    It is also discovered that Methylthioninium Chloride can be used to modified the traditional fiber plate . the fibrinolytic activity of the fermentation liquid is 7280IU / mg referred to the standard curve of Urokinase .

  10. 同时确定了重组纳豆激酶酵母菌的最佳甲醇诱导浓度2%,产酶高峰时间为96h。

    Optimum methanol concentration of the P. pastoris recombinant engineering saccharomycete is 2 % and the period of time for activity peaks is 96 h.

  11. 研究液体发酵产纳豆激酶的最佳条件,结果表明最佳培养基为营养肉汤,最佳培养时间为24h,最佳培养温度30℃。

    The optimization of NK liquid fermentation was studied in this paper . The results showed that the optimal fermentation medium is nutrition meat broth , the optimal fermentation time 24 h , and fermentation temperature 30 ℃ .

  12. 经PCR扩增得到825bp的纳豆激酶成熟肽基因,采用pET32a(+)表达载体和BL21(DE3)为宿主菌,在温度为37℃、1‰IPTG浓度下可诱导获得较高表达量的重组纳豆激酶。

    And SDS PAGE analysis revealed that using the pET32a ( + ) as expression vector and BL21 ( DE3 ) as host strain and cultivating at 37 ℃ with 1 ‰ IPTG , recombinant NK protein was highly expressed .

  13. 纳豆激酶摇床发酵条件的优化

    The Optimization on Fermentation of Natto-Kinase in Shake - Flask

  14. 产纳豆激酶枯草芽孢杆菌种子液培养条件的优化

    Culture Condition Optimization of Strain Seed Liquid of Natto Kinase-Producing Bacillus subtilis

  15. 并用纤维蛋白平板法测定纳豆激酶纤溶活性。

    Its fibrinolysis activity is detected by fibrin plate method .

  16. 固态发酵产纳豆激酶的工艺优化

    Optimization of the technique of solid fermentation of natto-kinase

  17. 良好的分离纯化技术是开发纳豆激酶保健品的关键。

    The proper technology in purification is a key in development nattokinase production .

  18. 目的研究纳豆激酶的抗血栓作用,探讨其主要作用机理。

    PurposeTo investigate the thrombolytic effect of nattokinase and the main functional mechanism .

  19. 目的研究纳豆激酶的发酵及其胶囊的制备工艺。

    OBJECTIVE To research the fermentation and the capsule preparation techniques of nattokinase .

  20. 重组纳豆激酶工程酵母菌发酵研究

    Study on fermentation of P.pastoris recombinant engineering saccharomycete

  21. 本研究通过纳豆激酶纤维蛋白溶解活性实验、纳豆激酶体内血栓溶解实验对纳豆激酶的溶栓作用做了较全面的研究。

    Fibrinolytic activity of NK and thrombolytic action on NK in vivo were studied .

  22. 本文在介绍纳豆激酶的溶栓作用基础上,简要概括了纳豆激酶的开发应用前景。

    In this article , the functions of nattokinase were introduced and the application was prospected .

  23. 影响纳豆激酶酶促反应速度因素的研究

    Study on Kinetics of Natto-Kinase

  24. 纳豆激酶来源于传统食品纳豆中,有很强的溶血栓能力。

    Nattokinase is stem from traditional Japanese food of natto and have strong power in dissolve thrombus .

  25. 综述了纳豆激酶的研究进展及在保健饮料领域的应用与展望。

    The advances of study on nattokinase are reviewed , and its use in health drinks forecasted .

  26. 并对纳豆激酶的活性测定方法、影响纳豆激酶稳定性的因素及提高纳豆激酶酶产量的几种途径等最新研究成果进行了综述。

    It also reviewed the newly studies on its activity detection 、 stability factors and high production technology .

  27. 纳豆激酶的保健功能与其生化特性和酶的活性、功能机理有关。

    The health function of nattokinase relate with its biochemistry character , enzyme activity and principle in work .

  28. 目的探讨纳豆激酶粗提液对小鼠实验性高脂血症的降血脂作用。

    Objective To probe the effect of Nattokinase on reducing serum lipid in the experimental rats with hyperlipemia .

  29. 并研究了纳豆激酶的酶学性质,实验结果表明,纳豆激酶的最适作用温度为37℃,温度对酶稳定性影响显著;

    The results showed that the optimum temperature was 37 ℃, and temperature had great effect on enzyme stability .

  30. 结果表明,双聚合物系统比聚合物/无机盐系统更有利于纳豆激酶亲和分配;

    The results indicate that affinity partitioning in polymer / polymer ATPS is better than in polymer / salt ATPS .