
  • 网络nanonetwork;nano-network
  1. SiO2气凝胶由于其纳米网络骨架和纳米孔隙的结构,具有优良的绝热性能。

    SiO2 aerogels have excellent insulation properties , which is attributed to their nano-networks and nano-pore structure .

  2. 研究结果表明:炭气凝胶微球具有规整的球形度,骨架结构为纳米网络结构,孔径集中分布在3.5nm左右,微球直径≤40μm,比表面积为555m2/g。

    It was found that the diameter of micro - spherical carbon aerogel is below 40 μ m with the pore size distributed around 3 . 5 nm and the specific area is 555 m2 / g.

  3. 采用溶胶-凝胶工艺结合动态溶剂交换、CO2超临界流体干燥与程序升温碳化方法制备出性能优良、具有纳米网络结构的RF与CRF气凝胶;

    Producted RF and CRF aerogels by process of sol-gel technics , dynamic-exchange , CO2 supercritical drying , and procedural increase in temperature carbonization methods , which have eximious capability and nanometer network structure ;

  4. 具体工作分为以下三个方面:1.第一部分研究了在三维的PFS-DNA网络上直接电沉积制备三维银纳米网络,从而构筑新型的过氧化氢(H2O2)传感器。

    This work mainly covered the following areas . 1 . The first part focused on studying Ag NPs electrodeposited on three-dimensional ( 3D ) PFS-DNA networks to produce 3D Ag NPs networks and accordingly developed a novel hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) sensor .

  5. 纳米网络资源的发展状况研究

    Research on Situation of Nano Network Resources

  6. 可以推断,细菌纤维素纤维的聚集过程与菌体的生命活动有密切的关系,当纤维的聚集没有伴随菌体的生命活动发生时,细菌纤维素得不到三维的纳米网络结构。

    It can be inferred that the aggregation process of bacterial cellulose keeps a close relationship with the life activities of bacterial cells .

  7. 一些研究者认为,海低沉积物里的细菌是由微生物的纳米线网络连接起来的。

    Some researchers believe that bacteria in ocean sediments are connected by a network of microbial nanowires .

  8. 气凝胶是由胶体粒子或高聚物分子相互聚结构成纳米多孔网络结构,并在孔隙中充满气态分散介质的一种高分散固态材料。

    Aerogels are high dispersive solid materials which consist of colloid particles or high polymer molecule and have continuous random network structure filling with gaseous dispersive medium .

  9. 研究发现,均匀分布的纳米碳网络提高了LiFePO4的导电性,抑制了其颗粒聚集长大,进而改善了其电化学性能。

    It was found that , the homogeneous distribution of nano-sized carbon webs would be effective in enhancing the electronic conductivity of LiFePO_4 and hindering the particle growth , consequently improving its electrochemical performance .

  10. 重点对目前引起了广泛研究兴趣,并成为最新研究热点的量子相干网络、纳米线网络等作了简要介绍,这是复杂网络理论应用在量子信息技术上的一些探索。

    Second , we make to a brief report about the complex network application in the quantum coherent network and nanometer wire nets , which become the newest research hot spot and attract to how widespread research interest at present .

  11. 本文从纳米计算机、纳米信息存储材料、纳米网络、纳米图书馆的特征阐述纳米时代的图书馆。

    Nanometer network and the features of nanometer library .