
  • 网络Liquid polymer;polymer liquid
  1. 描述了两种液态聚合物LED器件特性及发光机制,一种是溶液LED(SLED),活化层为溶液介质;

    The performance and luminescent mechanisms of two kinds of liquid polymer LEDs , so - lution LEDs ( SLEDs ) and gel LEDs ( GLEDs ) are described .

  2. 将298.15K时各种液态聚合物的内压平方根λ和重复单元的摩尔体积Vm的乘积对它们的vanderwaals体积作图时,发现是一条通过坐标原点的直线。

    The products of the square - root of internal pressure A and the molar volume of the repeated unit Vm for various polymeric liquids at 298.15 K are plotted against their van der Waals volumes . A straight line through the origin of coordinates is obtained .

  3. 它能用来准确地计算298.15K时各种液态聚合物的内压;据此,得到了90个聚合物的新溶解度参数值。

    The internal pressure of various polymeric liquids at 298.15K can be accurately calculated from this equation and the values of new solubility parameter defined by our previous work [ 4 ] are obtained for 90 polymers .

  4. 液态聚合物的内压与状态方程

    Internal pressure and equation of state for polymer liquids

  5. 此外,采用了橡胶弹性体,桐油,反应性液态聚合物,塑料和纤维等各种各样的增韧剂去改善酚醛树脂的韧性。

    In addition , a variety of toughening agents have been used to improve the toughness of PF resin , including elastomers , oils , reactive liquid polymers , plastics , fibers and so on .

  6. 旋转模塑设备的设计与制造是在满足旋转模塑工艺的基本要求及考虑液态反应性聚合物成型工艺性的基础上进行的。模具的制造采用了手糊成型工艺。

    The equipment design and manufacture is based on the basic requirement of the roto-molding and the liquid polymers .

  7. 7-二乙氨基-4-甲基香豆素(DAMC)在液态烯烃和固态聚合物介质中的激发(吸收)波长和发射波长随介质的极性增大而红移。

    Either in media of liquid allenes or in solid polymers , the excitation ( absorp - tion ) and emission wavelength of 7-diethylamino-4-methylcoumarin ( DAMC ) are bathochromic with the polarity of media .