
  1. 基于Excel上的医疗物资管理系统的构建

    The construction of medical material management system base on Excel

  2. 还向班吉郊区Boeing的水灾受害者提供了急救医疗物资。

    First-aid medical supplies were also brought to flood victims in the Bangui suburb of Boeing .

  3. 使用HF专用的医疗物资的急救能够迅速实施是迅速和成功的HF吸收治疗的关键。

    The immediate application of first aid using HF-specific medical supplies is the key to a rapid and successful recovery from HF absorption .

  4. 结果:配备RFID系统的战备药箱,可以实现不开箱自动分类统计和管理箱内的医疗物资,实现了医疗物资状态的实时监控和医疗物资使用期限的自动提示。

    Results The combat readiness medicine-chest equipped with RFID system can automatically classify to count and manage medical supplies in medicine-chest without opening the chest .

  5. 到十月19日,C-130运输机已开始向库尔德地面作战人员空投武器、弹药和医疗物资,部分失地被夺回。

    By the 19th there were air-drops of weapons , ammunitions and medical supplies by C-130 transports . Some ground lost to IS was recovered .

  6. 在与海地当选总统米歇尔·马尔泰利(MichelMartelly)召开的联合新闻发布会上,希拉里·克林顿表示,运送给利比亚叛军的物品来自美国的库存,包括医疗物资,制服,军靴,保护装置和无线电等物品。

    Speaking at a joint press event with Haiti 's President-elect Michel Martelly , Clinton said the items going to the Libyan rebels are being drawn from U.S. stockpiles and include such things as medical supplies , uniforms , boots , protective gear and radios .

  7. 医疗物资被空运到约旦。

    The medical supplies were shipped by air freight to jordan .

  8. 他们被装在医疗物资的船上。

    They 're going out in a shipment of medical supplies .

  9. 医疗物资的整体供应情况仍然令人忧虑。

    The overall position on medical supplies is causing concern .

  10. 应急状态下的医疗物资保障工作体会

    Experience of Guaranteeing Medical Supplies in the State of Emergency

  11. 周三,中国援助的人道主义医疗物资运抵白俄罗斯。

    The medical humanitarian aid from China arrived in Belarus on Wednesday .

  12. 美国的援助将包括医疗物资和现金。

    The US aid will include medical supplies and cash .

  13. 建立区域化抗灾应急医疗物资供应体系探讨

    A discussion on setting up the incident system of regionalization emergency medical supplies

  14. 世卫组织及其合作伙伴为受到此次危机影响的人们分发医疗物资。

    WHO and its partners distribute medical supplies for people affected by the crisis .

  15. 他表示,中国将采购10000份病毒检测试剂盒等医疗物资赠送白方。

    He says China will purchase 10000 tests with reagents and other medical supplies for Belarus .

  16. 大约价值美元的医疗物资被分发到遭受流行病侵袭的家庭。

    About $ worth of medical supplies has been distributed to the families affected by the epidemic .

  17. 中国慈善机构捐赠的医疗物资已经抵达比利时,以帮助抗击新冠病毒。

    Medical supplies donated by Chinese charities have arrived in Belgium to help fight the novel coronavirus .

  18. 通过采购医疗物资和设备,改善该国实地兽医服务的绩效;

    Improving the performance of veterinary field services in the country through procurement of clinical supplies and equipment ;

  19. 以色列曾经表示,会允许再向加沙运送2千吨食品和医疗物资。

    Israel has said it would allow a further 2000 tons of food and medical supplies into Gaza .

  20. 中国中央政府敦促加大力度确保向武汉及周边地区提供医疗物资。

    Chinese central authorities are urging more efforts to ensure medical supplies to Wuhan and its surrounding areas .

  21. 我们不能接受运载着救命医疗物资和设备的飞机继续被拒降落,而我们的病人则就此死去。

    We cannot accept that planes carrying lifesaving medical supplies and equipment continue to be turned away while our patients die .

  22. 中国政府援助伊朗医疗物资交接仪式举行,以帮助中东国家伊朗对抗抗新冠病毒。

    A handover ceremony to deliver Chinese medical donations to Iran has been held to help the Middle East country the coronavirus .

  23. 周日,一架载有葡萄牙电力公司及其主要股东中国三峡集团联合捐赠的医疗物资的包机抵达里斯本。

    A charter flight carrying medical supplies donated by Portuguese electric utility EDP and its main shareholder China Three Gorges arrived in Lisbon on Sunday .

  24. 她表示,德方愿同中方加强疫情防控合作,继续向中方提供医疗物资援助。

    She says Germany is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in preventing and controlling the epidemic and will continue to provide China with medical aid .

  25. 他表示,中方将向意方提供口罩等医疗物资援助,加大力度向意出口急需的物资和设备。

    He says China will offer Italy assistance including medical materials such as face masks , and expand the exports of supplies and equipment to Italy .

  26. 怀特曼报导,美国空运到格鲁吉亚的救援物资已达近二百公吨,主要是帐篷、被褥、食品和医疗物资。

    Whitman reports U.S. aid deliveries to Georgia by air have reached nearly 200 metric tons - mainly tents , bedding , food and medical supplies .

  27. 一小批受伤的巴勒斯坦人已从加沙穿越边界进入埃及,一些医疗物资也已通过拉法赫过境点从埃及进入了加沙。

    A small number of wounded Palestinians has crossed from Gaza into Egypt and some medical supplies have come in from Egypt via the Rafah border crossing .

  28. 战备医疗物资管理技术的发展与完善已经成为当前我军后勤保障理论研究的重要课题之一。

    The developing and consummating of combat readiness medical material management technology is become one of the most important task in our army logistic ensure theory research .

  29. 它的核心功能是实现医疗物资耗材的信息管理的系统化、规范化和自动化,从而达到提高耗材管理效率,加强对物流的管理力度。

    Its core function is realizing the systematization , standardization and automation of information management of medical consumables , improving the efficiency and strengthening the management of logistics .

  30. 背负30磅重的有医疗物资的背包,我确定了的剩余天数和可以在黄昏时分到达山顶。

    Weighed down by a30-pound backpack containing medical supplies , I fixated on the rest of the day and on reaching the top of the mountain by nightfall .