
  1. 对某报刊登医药广告情况的统计分析及思考

    The statistics and analysis of 292 medicine and drug advertisements

  2. 医药广告规范化管理对策的研究

    Study on the Countermeasures of Standard Administration of Medicine Advertisement

  3. 该通知还对医药广告的时长和形式加以限制。

    The circular also imposed limits on the length and form of medical advertisements .

  4. 政府部门加大执法力度,建立诚信体系及虚假医药广告索赔制度;

    Secondly , the government should strengthen the law enforcement , and establish the credibility system and regulation for claim .

  5. 结果:收集了292件医药广告,发现当前医药广告问题严重,主要问题是非法广告(14.4%)和虚假广告(45.2%)。

    Result : The problem of medicine advertisement is very serious , the main problem is lawless advertisement and falsehood advertisement .

  6. 中国最高广播监管机构近日宣布,将对医疗养生类电视节目和医药广告加强管理。

    China 's top broadcast watchdog announced that it will tighten regulation over health and medical related TV programs and advertising .

  7. 在中国,消费者被各种各样的医药广告所轰炸。这些广告宣称它们能够治疗癌症或艾滋病。

    In china , consumers are bombarded by various medicine advertisements claiming that these medicines are capable of curing cancer or AIDS .

  8. 百度已经撤下了所有医药广告,将在这些公司证实执照后重新登出。

    Baidu has pulled all medical ads down and will allow them back on the site after the companies verify their licenses .

  9. 面对频频曝光的医药广告虚假宣传,舆论已不再仅仅把矛头指向昧着良心赚钱的违法、违规企业。

    In front of those misleading propaganda of medicine advertisement , the public opinion targets more than the enterprises making profit against their conscience .

  10. 方法:运用法律、政府管理及经济学知识,剖析虚假医药广告的根源。

    METHODS : The reasons of false drug advertisement were analyzed by using the knowledge of law , governmental admin ˉ istration and economy .

  11. 本文首先对广告的涵义进行了介绍,然后着重对医药广告进行了界定,进而详细分析了医药广告所包含的三种具体广告形式:药品广告、医疗广告、医疗器械广告。

    Then writer detailed analyzed three kinds of concrete advertisement forms . They are the drugs advertisement , medical treatment advertisement , the medical treatment apparatus advertisement .

  12. 论医药卫生期刊广告审查的内容及原则

    Contents and principles of censoring advertisements in medical journals

  13. 设计并实现了一个医药类网络广告监控系统,可以完成对网络上医药广告的自动追踪处理,提供分布式计算支持,有着较强的操作性和良好的展示界面。

    A distributed processing system for monitoring online medical advertisements is designed and implemented . It can track and handle online medical advertisements automatically ; moreover , it has friendly interface and strong operation .

  14. 近年来,药品广告包括医药保健品广告已经成为媒体广告的重要组成部分,同时药品广告在医药企业销售费用中所占的比重也逐年提高。

    In recent years , the advertisement of drug and the health care drug become the main body of the medium advertisement , also the proportion of the expense of the advertisement in the sales expense increases year after year .

  15. 谷歌(Google)与美国联邦检察人员达成了一项金额高达5亿美元、意义重大的和解协议,以中止检方针对谷歌接受来自销售非法医药品企业的广告的调查。

    Google has reached a landmark $ 500m settlement with federal prosecutors to halt a criminal investigation into its acceptance of advertisements from companies selling unlicensed pharmaceuticals .

  16. 这些非法广告之所以存在,一方面是相关法律法规制定不完善和执行不严格,一方面是医药卫生领域和广告传媒领域职业道德的缺失。

    The reason why these illegal advertisements are existent is the imperfect related law and rule and the unstrictly performance . On the other hand , the reason is that the imperfection of the occupational morals about the medical health realm and advertising media .

  17. 建议从加强药学服务、改进药品说明书、普及医药知识和净化医药广告等几方面改进现状。

    It is suggested that improvements should be made from aspects of strengthening pharmaceutical care , improving package inserts , popularizing pharmaceutical knowledge and screening medicine advertisement .

  18. 由于医药是关系到消费者生命和身体健康的特殊商品,因而世界各国都十分重视对医药广告的监督管理。

    Because the medicine is a special merchandise that relates to the consumer life and health . So many countries pay more attention to the direct management of medical advertising .