
yī fēnɡ
  • conduct of medical workers ;work style in medical field
  1. 倡导健康的医院文化促进医德医风建设

    To initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style

  2. 非典前后医德医风问题的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Medical Ethics Problems before and after SARS

  3. 新时期军队医院加强医德医风建设的探讨

    Study on Strengthening Medical Ethics of Military Hospital in New Age

  4. 医德医风的好坏,直接关系到医疗卫生事业的兴衰成败。

    Medical ethics construction relates to the development of health undertaking .

  5. 树立良好的医德医风,规范医疗行为。

    Set a good medical ethics , standardizing medical care behavior .

  6. 构建医院医德医风长效机制的几点思考

    Considerations on the Long-term Mechanism of Medical Ethics Construction in Hospital

  7. 加强医德医风建设,落实医德规范;

    To enhance morality building and to implement professional code ;

  8. 医德医风建设在医院分级管理中的地位和作用

    The States and Effect of Medical Moral Construction on Hospital Classified Administration

  9. 论杨继洲的医德医风及治学方法

    Remarks on Yang Jizhou 's medical moralities and treatment & learning methods

  10. 这些伦理问题也冲击到了现实社会中的医德医风。

    These ethical problems also affect the medical morality and medical style .

  11. 医德医风资本转化实践探讨

    Discussion on the practice of translating Medical Ethic into capital

  12. 树良好形象创医德医风示范医院

    Develop good image to set up the demonstrating Hospital of medical moral

  13. 医德医风建设的问题与对策

    Construction of Medical Ethics and Work Style : Problems and Proposed Solutions

  14. 实践现代医学模式创新医德医风教育

    Practice modern medical mode and innovation education of medical morality

  15. 如何强化医院医德医风建设

    How to strengthen the construction of medical morals in hospital

  16. 加强医德医风建设;

    Strengthening the medical ethics and the style construction ;

  17. 坚持以人为本扎实抓好医德医风建设

    Insisting on Human-oriented Principle and Improving Medical Ethics Construction

  18. 增强医院医德医风建设推进医院可持续性发展

    Building up Medical Ethics and Style Development in Hospital and Drive-inning Hospital Durative

  19. 建立医德医风检查考核制度,对医务人员医德医风考核进行量化评估。

    Set up professionalism inspection and assessment to quantify staff 's professionalism performance .

  20. 军队医院加强医德医风建设的思考

    Study on Strengthening Medical Ethics Construction in Military Hospital

  21. 医德医风考评体系的建立和应用性研究

    Establishment of medical morality and behavior appraisal system and research on its application

  22. 试论医德医风建设中的六个转变

    Discussing Six changes on medical moral and mode construction

  23. 实习生的特殊角色与医德医风教育

    The special role and medical ethics education of interns

  24. 医院医德医风监督机制的建立与运行初探

    Establishment and Moving of Hospital Supervisory Mechanism of Medical Ethics and Medical Mode

  25. 引入人本管理探索医德医风建设新途径

    Introduce humanity into management to explore the new approach of medical moral construction

  26. 从现代市场的一般规律看医德医风建设

    Thinking Construction of Medical Ethics and Mode from the General Law of Modern Markets

  27. 当前医患关系矛盾与医学生医德医风教育的改革与创新

    Conflict in the Current Physician-patient Relationship and Reform and Innovation in Medical Ethics Education

  28. 三是树立良好的医德医风是搞好为兵服务的基础。

    Thirdly , the base of improving serving army is establishing good medical ethics .

  29. 医德医风建设是立院之本

    Medical ethics construction is the foundation of hospital

  30. 市场经济与军队医院医德医风建设

    Market Economy and Army Medical Moral Construction Engineering