
yī yuàn chuán
  • hospital ship
  1. 三天后,我在一艘医院船上醒了过来。

    I woke up three days later on a hospital ship .

  2. 海上医院船分类工作初探

    Study on the classification of sea - war wound in hospital ship

  3. 战时医院船床位利用排队系统研究

    Research on the Queuing System of Hospital Ship Beds during War

  4. 战时医院船护理人力资源合理配置研究&基于排队论的数学模型

    Research on the allocating of nurses on hospital ships during war

  5. 医院船医疗救治模拟仿真系统的设计与开发

    Development and Design of Simulation System for Medical Treatments on Hospital Ship

  6. 你会没事的,你会到医院船去。

    You 're fine . you 're going on a hospital ship .

  7. 医院船医疗卫生人员晕船病及相关因素研究

    Research on medical workers ' seasickness and related factors in Hospital Ship

  8. 海上医院船医护组的护理管理

    Nursing administration of medical-nursing group in maritime hospital ship

  9. 在马岛之战中,英国动用了民船作为战时医院船。

    In the Malvinas War , Britain employed civilian ships for medical use .

  10. 海军医院船手术室护理流程及职责初探

    Study on nursing procedure and responsibilities in the operating room on hospital ship

  11. 医院船手术台合理配置研究

    Research on the deploying of operating-tables on hospital ships

  12. 分析旧医院船改装中存在的问题,提出相应的对策。

    Problems about old refitting hospital ships were analyzed , and countermeasures were provided .

  13. 律师的业务[医生]的行医医院船医疗队海上医疗救护模拟展开研究

    The practice of law / medicine Simulated Marine Rescue Practice of Medical Team on Hospital Ship

  14. 方法:采用运筹学中随机服务系统理论对医院船床位利用排队系统进行研究。

    Methods : Queuing theory was used to make research on the queuing system of hospital ship beds .

  15. 医院船护理人员个性特征、应对方式及心理健康的相关性研究

    A study on relativity among personality features , coping style , and psychological health of nurses in hospital ship

  16. 现代化医院船必将在我军卫勤保障及国际人道主义救援中发挥积极重要作用。

    The modern hospital ship will be bound to play important role on medical service and rescue of humanitarianism .

  17. 目的寻求海军医院船手术室适用的护理流程及职责。

    Objective To explore the nursing procedure and responsibilities suitable to the operating room on ship in naval hospital ship .

  18. 模拟300床位医院船护理人员配置数量66名(不含手术室护士)。

    Simulating 300 beds in hospital ship , the manpower distribution of nurses is 66 ( except operation room nurse ) .

  19. 本文通过对医院船医疗队全员全装满负荷检验性训练情况总结,具体阐述了医院船训练及救治流程中存在的问题。

    The article summarized the training of therapeutic team in hospital ship under the condition of imitating of the real war .

  20. 医院船医疗队海上医疗救护模拟展开研究应用信息化技术实现医疗救护分队业务流程重组

    Simulated Marine Rescue Practice of Medical Team on Hospital Ship To Reengineer the Business Process of Medical Unit Using Digital Means

  21. 一艘航空母舰和更多的直升飞机已经在周五抵达,预计下周末一艘医院船也将抵达海地。

    An aircraft carrier and more helicopters arrived Friday , and a hospital ship is expected by the end of next week .

  22. 如果必需,船能被配置成一艘医院船,一艘轻直升飞机母舰或一艘运输船。

    If necessary , the ship could be configured into a hospital ship , a light helicopter carrier , or a transport ship .

  23. 提高我军后送交通工具的保障能力,如装备装甲救护车、卫生列车、医院船等装备。

    We should raise the protective ability of the evacuation of transport , such as armored ambulance , healthy train , hospital ship .

  24. 前言:目的:科学预计不同规模医院船医生配置数量,研究提高医院船医生利用效率的组织指挥方法。

    Objective : To forecast the quantity of doctors deployed on hospital ship , explore how to arrange and make full use of them .

  25. 在日本爆发灾难之后,中国迅速做出反应,甚至还提出向日本派遣一艘海军医院船(日本最终拒绝了这一提议)。

    China was quick to respond after the disaster , even offering to dispatch a naval hospital ship ( an offer Japan ultimately declined ) .

  26. 中国作为多国打击海盗任务的一部分向亚丁湾派遣的一艘医院船,对该地区进行了数次港口访问。

    A hospital ship that had been deployed to the Gulf of Aden as part of a multinational anti-piracy mission made several port visits in the region .

  27. 结论:排队论理论的应用,提高了战时医院船伤病员救治效率,丰富了卫勤组织指挥理论。

    Conclusion : Queuing theory is scientific and effective in organizing the wounded on the hospital ship and will enrich the theorys of medical service on the hospital ship .

  28. 结论:排队论理论在医院船医生合理配置中的运用,提高了医生配置的可行性和科学性,丰富了卫勤组织指挥理论。

    Conclusion : Queuing theory is scientific and effective in deploying the doctors on hospital ships , and will enrich the theory of medical services on the hospital ship .

  29. 为探讨战备手术器材的管理,本文介绍了医院船手术器材管理的经验。

    To probe into the management of the operating equipment , some experience on the management of the operating equipment of the hospital ship is introduced in this paper .

  30. 结果:模拟出不同床位医院船医生配置数量,提出医生配置对医院船建造的理论指导意义。

    Results : The number of the doctors deployed on hospital ships during war was put forward , and this will make guidance to the building of hospital ship .