
  • Seventeen;At Seventeen;Sixteen Going on Seventeen
  1. 早在十七岁的小小年纪,我就离开了家。

    At the tender age of seventeen I left home .

  2. 她是个好姑娘,今年才十七岁。

    She 's a good girl and she 's only seventeen .

  3. 德克萨斯州的Frisco市的JoyceProtopapas称她的十七岁的儿子,米歇尔,就是一个游戏迷。

    Joyce Protopapas of Frisco , Texas , said her17-year-old son , Michael , was a video addict .

  4. 躺在地上的是一位年纪十七岁左右的男孩。

    Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen .

  5. 因为我十七岁的儿子知道的科学知识都比他多

    Because my 1 7-year-old kid knows more science than he does .

  6. 在十七岁那年,我真的上了大学。

    And 17 years later I did go to college .

  7. 我的祖母十七岁就结婚了。

    My grandmother got married at the age of seventeen .

  8. 当我十七岁时,我失去了我的童贞,给了一个男人。

    I lost my virginity to a man when I was seventeen .

  9. 他在我十七岁的时候去世了那是周二

    And he died when I was seventeen , on a Tuesday .

  10. 丽:(唱)我现在十六岁,马上就要十七岁。

    Liesl ( singing ): I am sixteen , going on seventeen .

  11. 事实上,莫妮卡二十六岁了,而那个男的只有十七岁。

    In fact , Monica was twenty-six and the guy was seventeen .

  12. 可能的确如此但是你十七岁的儿子不控制我们的预算

    Your 1 7-year-old kid does not control our budget .

  13. 然而,从十五岁到十七岁,她在培养自己作女主角了。

    But from fifteen to seventeen she was in training for a heroine ;

  14. 十七岁,你可以错过和一个男生的约会,但你不能错过《左耳》。

    You can lose a boy , but you can 't miss ZR .

  15. 躺在地上的那个男学生最多十七岁。

    Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen .

  16. 我今年十七岁,就读私立高中。

    I am seventeen years old , studying in a private high school .

  17. 再说,我快十七岁啦,我是一个女人。

    And besides , I 'm almost seventeen : I 'm a woman .

  18. 我也有个孩子,十七岁了,整天无所事事。

    I have a kid , 17 , does nothing all day long .

  19. 当他十七岁的时候,他上了中学。

    When he was seventeen years old , he went to secondary school .

  20. 她是一名坚强的十七岁少女无畏地对抗脑瘤

    She is a fearless seventeen-year-old battling brain cancer .

  21. 他在十七岁时开始学习英文字母。

    He began to learn English letters when he was seventeen years old .

  22. 他只有十七岁,却是组里首屈一指的成员。

    He 's only seventeen , but he 's their number one operative .

  23. 儿子们多已长大成人,但约瑟夫才十七岁。

    Most of them were adults but Joseph was a boy of seventeen .

  24. 那一年…他截停我时我十七岁。

    I was seventeen when he pulled me over .

  25. 我和十七岁的印度女孩图丝成了好友。

    I 've made good friends with this seventeen-year-old Indian girl named Tulsi .

  26. 迈可十七岁,卡洛琳十六岁。

    Michael is seventeen . Carolyn is sixteen .

  27. 我十七岁就走上这条道了。

    I started this life when I was17 .

  28. 在他十七岁的时候,他为自己母亲的生日录制了第一张唱片。

    He made his first record foe his mother 's birthday when he was17 .

  29. 在大部分陌生人眼里,我应该足有十七岁。

    Most strangers would take me for seventeen .

  30. 如果回到十七岁我还是会选择你,因为你是我最好的选择。

    You are the best decision I have ever made , I just forgot .