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十三经 [shí sān jīng]
  • [the thirteen classic works] 指《易经》、《书经》、《诗经》、《周礼》、《仪礼》、《礼记》、《春秋左传》、《春秋公羊传》、《春秋谷粱传》、《论语》、《孝经》、《尔雅》、《孟子》十三部儒家的经典

  1. 汉《五经》是后来《十三经》的基础;《Pentateuch(以色列)五书》是《圣经》的基础。

    As the Five Classics during the Han Dynasty was the basis for the Thirteen Classics , so is the Pentateuch for the Bible .

  2. 《十三经注疏校勘记》中的两类校勘记

    Two Kinds of Collating Note in the Collating Notes on the Thirteen Classics

  3. “十三经”是中华文明成果的组成部分,而注疏是“十三经”流传至今的保证。

    The " Thirteen Classics " belong to Chinese civilization and their spread is due to the commentaries .

  4. 标点《十三经》是一项浩繁艰苦的工作,整理者做了大量细致的工作,但仍然存在一些不当。

    Punctuation Thirteen Classics are a good series of books , but some problems exist in the books .

  5. 《孝经》是一部重要的儒家经典,被尊为儒家十三经之一。

    The Classic on Filial Piety is an important Confucianism classic , it was one of " 13 Confucianism " .

  6. 《仪礼》是儒家礼学著作三礼之一,又是儒家经典著作十三经之一,在中国思想文化史上占有极其重要的地位,是我们研究传统文化和建设现代文明不可忽略的重要内容;

    As one of the Thirteen Confucian Classics , YiLi occupies an important position in the history of Chinese thought and culture .

  7. 时至宋世,作为儒家经典合称的十三经完全确立,并与进入黄金时代的雕版印刷事业紧紧相连。

    When China entered the Song Dynasty , '' the Thirteen Classics '', as the general term of Confucian classics , were completely established , and were closely connected with the block printing which came to the golden age .