
shí èr cì
  • Twelve times;duodenary series
十二次[shí èr cì]
  1. 我邀请了你十二次,

    I 've asked you to stay about twelve times ,

  2. 十二次对称准周期结构的自相似变换及准晶胞构造

    Self-similar transformation and quasi-unit cell construction of quasi-periodic structure with twelve-fold rotational symmetry

  3. 研究了十二次对称二维准晶的平面弹性问题。

    The paper considers the plane elastic problems of dodecagonal system in two dimensional quasicrystals .

  4. 我们刚刚召开了党的第十二次全国代表大会。

    We have just held the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of china .

  5. 你们历史性的第十二次代表大会为你们的政府管理和建设计划制定了新的方针。

    Your historic 12th Congress has laid down new guidelines for your administration and your plans for construction .

  6. 做六到十二次,则是可以在力量均衡的同时还可以增肌;

    Sets of six to twelve repetitions develop a balance of strength , muscle size and anaerobic endurance .

  7. 半六角形,八角形或十二次部分可以添加到任何“一个”框架结构的末尾湾。

    Half hexagonal , octagonal or dodecagonal sections can be added to the end bay of any " A " framed structure .

  8. 如果你不能付现金买电视机,你可以与负责信贷的经理商定分十二次分期付款。

    If you aren 't able to pay cash for the television set , you can make arrangements with the credit manager for12 payments .

  9. 该系统通常用于六角形,八角形和十二次结构,而且也是为所有的“A”标准的结构框架可用。

    This system is normally used for hexagonal , octagonal and dodecagonal structures but is also available for all " A " frame standard structures .

  10. 根据你给你的站点添加的新帖子或者文章的数量,考虑安排这个备份,一般是每年三到十二次。

    Consider scheduling this , depending upon the volume of new posts or articles you add to your site , three to twelve times a year .

  11. 介绍了第十二次全国乙烯年会的盛况,总结了年会的主要特点。

    The spectacular condition of the12th national ethylene industry seminar is introduced in the article , the main characteristics of such seminar is summarized as well .

  12. 研究共设计了十二次干预活动,每周大约两次,每次大约50-60分钟。

    The research designs twelve intervention activities in total . The activities are carried out about twice a week and each activity lasts about fifty to sixty minutes .

  13. 去年第十二次中欧领导人会晤决定提升气候变化伙伴关系,强化双方在气候变化领域的政策对话和务实合作。

    At the12th China-EU Summit last year , the two sides decided to upgrade such partnership and strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation in the field of climate change .

  14. 我们承继此前的青年宣言,继续要求为青年代表提供永久性的制度安排和基金保障,使其在第十二次缔约方大会得以参与全球气候谈判过程。

    We further the call of previous youth COP declarations for a permanent , funded youth constituency to be included in the international climate change negotiation process by COP12 .

  15. 美国总统选举参选人希拉里议员以18%的得票率当选今年最受敬佩的女人,这是她第十二次获此殊荣,希拉里在多项民调中都领先于其他竞选人;

    Clinton , a presidential hopeful who leads in many polls , was named by18 percent as the most-admired woman , the12th time she 's been in the top spot .

  16. 相信在多数球迷心底,候选人只有一个:他是十二次大满贯赛的冠军得主,记录还在持续累积,他几乎等于近十年来网球运动的代名词:彼得.桑普拉斯。

    With the number of Grand Slam titles to his name at twelve and counting , Pete Sampras has more or less dominated the sport for the better part of a decade .

  17. 囊括优秀工程过半奖项打造景观设计旗舰公司记深圳市北林苑景观与建筑规划设计院有限公司成为第十二次广东省优秀工程设计项目获奖大户

    BLY , A Landscape Design Flagship Company Takes Half of the Prizes for Excellent Engineering Projects A Report on the Prize Winner of the 12th Guangdong Excellent Engineering Design Projects Shenzhen-BLY Institute

  18. 他用熄灯器打了十二次,整条街上只剩下远处两个小小的光点,那就是监视他的那只猫的两只眼睛。

    Twelve times he clicked the Put-Outer , until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance , which were the eyes of the cat watching him .

  19. 到这时它已经跳了不止十二次,把沿着背脊的那些液囊装满了空气,所以没法沉到深水中,在那儿死去,使我没法把它捞上来。

    And now he has jumped more than a dozen times and filled the sacks along his back with air and he cannot go down deep to die where I cannot bring him up .

  20. 谁稳坐近年来男子网球第一把交椅?相信在多数球迷心底,候选人只有一个:他是十二次大满贯赛的冠军得主,记录还在持续累积,他几乎等于近十年来网球运动的代名词:彼得.桑普拉斯。

    Asked to name the top male player of recent years , most tennis fans would agree there is only one candidate . With the number of Grand Slam titles to his name at twelve and counting , Pete Sampras has more or less dominated the sport for the better part of a decade .

  21. 等于韩利在肖申克监狱服刑期间,每年平均有十二点九次企图越狱事件。

    That comes out to12.9 escape attempts for every year Henley Backus was in Shawshank and keeping track of them .

  22. 林毅夫是在全国政协十二届三次会议的记者会上发表上述言论的。

    His comments came during a news conference at the Third Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference .

  23. 也许有十二、三次,乔治·威拉德和这住在他父亲旅馆的古怪畸形的人,几乎要谈起话来。

    Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange , shapeless man who lived at his father 's hotel had been on the point of talking .

  24. 北京作为中国的最高政治协商机构,中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会十二届一次会议于本周日3月3日在北京召开。

    BEIJING - The National Committee of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference ( CPPCC ), the country 's top political advisory body , started its annual session in Beijing Sunday .

  25. 参加十二届一次会议的2200为委员从全国各地各部门赶赴北京,本次会议将讨论涉及国家发展的主要议题,本次会议将于3月12日结束。

    About 2,200 members of the 12th CPPCC National Committee from different sectors across the country will discuss major issues concerning the country 's development during the session , scheduled to conclude on March 12 .

  26. 调查相关人员表示,神舟十二及后续三次飞行任务的航天员受邀对数百种特制食物进行品尝并打分。

    Sources with knowledge of the survey said that astronauts in the Shenzhou XII mission and crews for the next three spaceflights were invited to taste hundreds of specially prepared foods and beverages and then score them .