
  1. 这是新加坡特殊的国情使然,在新加坡的大气候下,在新加坡这片土地上,这是无法扭转的趋势,也是无法抗拒的潮流,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。

    This is a result of the city-state 's peculiar condition and an irreversible trend , it is a situation of " those who go along with it will thrive and those who resist it will perish " .

  2. 历史的发展表明,现代化潮流浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。万顺昌集团于1961年成立,是香港首间钢筋进口及存销商。

    Historical development has proved that the modernization tide is enormous and powerful , that those who go with it will prosper while those who go against it will perish . Founded in 1961 , the VSC Group is pioneer in the importation of steel rebars in Hong Kong .