
shùn xíng xìng yí wàng
  • anterograde amnesia
顺行性遗忘[shùn xíng xìng yí wàng]
  1. 顺行性遗忘主要是对近期内容的保持时间过短,难以形成远期记忆。

    The anterograde amnesia mainly consists in the shorted retention duration .

  2. 这叫作顺行性遗忘症。

    This is called anterograde amnesia .

  3. 2组OAA/S、顺行性遗忘程度相比差异有显著性;

    The OAA / S and direct oblivious degree had remarkable differences .

  4. 异丙酚对顺行性遗忘和逆行性遗忘的影响

    Effects of propofol on anterograde and retrograde amnesia in the old mice

  5. 目的探讨咪唑安定能否使病人达到术中良好的镇静和顺行性遗忘作用。

    Objective To explore if midazolam can produce excellent sedation and anterograde amnesia in patients undergoing mammaplasty .

  6. 结果:所有病人均有不同程度的顺行性遗忘,部分病人尚有逆行性遗忘。

    Results : All the patients had anterograde amnesia in different degree , and some cases had retrograde amnesia .

  7. 甚至连严重顺行性遗忘症患者也是如此,这些人无法形成任何新的记忆。

    This is true even of people with severe anterograde amnesia – an inability to form any new memories .

  8. 盖·皮尔斯饰演莱昂纳多·谢尔比,一个患有顺行性遗忘的男人,这使他无法储存新的记忆。

    It stars Guy Pearce as Leonard Shelby , a man with anterograde amnesia , which impairs hisability to store new memories .

  9. 目的探讨咪达唑仑在下腹部和下肢手术行硬膜外麻醉时能起良好镇静和顺行性遗忘作用的适宜剂量。

    Objective To discuss the proper sedative and anterograde amnesia dosage of midazolam in epidural anaesthesia during lower abdominal and lower limb operation .

  10. 目的观察咪唑安定的遗忘作用与内隐记忆的关系,同时调查术前口服咪唑安定有无逆行性遗忘作用,对短期记忆的影响及顺行性遗忘的起效时间和效果。

    Objective To study the relationship of implicit memory and amnesia effect of oral midazolam premedication and to observe its anterograde amnesia , the effect on short-term memory and the onset time and out come of retrograde amnesia .