
  1. 现年49岁的刘雪华,在新电视连续剧的宣传中透露了顺娘的梗概:一个改变自己命运的妇女的故事。《都市时报》周日下午在昆明报导。

    Liu , 49 , made the announcement while promoting her new television series ," Shun Niang : A Woman Changes Her Destiny ," Sunday afternoon in Kunming , Dushi Shibao newspaper reports .

  2. 在《顺娘》中,刘雪华仍然扮演了一个充满母性光辉的角色,和她往常的在琼瑶的言情剧中的那种顺从的妻子和女儿的角色相比有些微小的转变。

    In " Shun Niang ", Leanne Liu also plays a motherly role , a slight shift from her usual characters as an obedient wife and daughter-in-law in Qiong Yao 's romantic dramas .