
  • 网络sonny chiba;Shinichi Chiba
  1. 1973年,千叶真一出演了自己的第一部武术动作片《保镖》,

    Chiba starred in his first martial arts film , " Karate Kiba , " in 1973 ,

  2. 20世纪60年代,千叶真一开启了他在日本电影和电视领域的职业生涯,之后进入了国际观众的视野。

    Chiba began his career in Japanese film and TV in the 1960s before reaching international audiences .

  3. 千叶真一因在昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的邪典电影《杀死比尔1》中饰演一位剑术大师而被观众所熟知,

    Renowned for his role as swordmaster in Quentin Tarantino 's cult film " Kill Bill Volume 1 , "

  4. 在这部讲述武士传说的影片中,千叶真一饰演刚过世的幕府将军之子。

    This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun .

  5. 日本武术明星千叶真一因COVID并发症去世,享年82岁。

    Japanese martial arts star Shinichi " Sonny " Chiba has died from COVID complications , the actor was 82 years old .

  6. 在昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的电影《杀死比尔1》中,千叶真一饰演一名名叫服部半藏的退隐剑客,经营着一家寿司店,并负责为乌玛·瑟曼饰演的主角制作刀片。

    In Quentin Tarantino 's " Kill Bill Volume 1 , " Chiba played Hattori Hanzo , a retired swordsman and owner of a sushi restaurant , who crafts a blade for Uma Thurman 's main character .

  7. 千叶真一的其他作品还包括:《新干线大爆破》、《空手道斗牛士》、《风云:雄霸天下》、《女必杀拳》、《猎犬战警》、《柳生家族的阴谋》、《战国自卫队》等等。

    Some of Chiba 's other credits included : " The Bullet Train , " " Champion of Death , " " The Storm Riders , " " Karate Warriors , " " Doberman Cop , " " Shogun 's Samurai , " " G.I. Samurai , " and many more .