
  1. 丹巴尔先生盛了一大盘千层面。

    Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne

  2. 匹诺曹乡村厨房(PinocchioVillageKitchen)的装饰完全是提洛尔风格的,菜单包括猪肉拉面和意式海鲜千层面。

    At Pinocchio Village Kitchen , the d é cor was wipe-down Tyrolean , and the menu included pork ramen and seafood lasagna .

  3. 《洋葱报》(TheOnion)将他想象为一个喜爱留在家里吃意式千层面晚餐的“泛性外星人”。他的生活相当平凡。

    The Onion imagined him as a " pansexual alien " staying in to " do lasagna for dinner . " He led a pretty normal-seeming life .

  4. 不像你,霸占着那坨有葡萄干的奇怪千层面。

    Unlike you and that weird lasagna with raisins in it .

  5. 你也可以做出一盘让人垂涎三尺的意大利千层面。

    You could also serve up a mouthwatering plate of ? Lasagne .

  6. 汤姆:这里,让我来做千层面吧。

    Tom : Here , let me make the lasagna .

  7. 她的千层面菜谱显示出背景条件在数学中的重要性。

    Her recipe for lasagna illuminates the importance of context to math .

  8. 你做了什么菜?是否做了千层面?

    What are you making ? Is that going to be lasagna ?

  9. 她最喜欢吃千层面,最喜欢的花是玫瑰

    Lasagna was her favorite food , and roses were her favorite flower .

  10. 他必须得去,今天教做千层面。

    He has to go . Today 's lasagna .

  11. 我可以准备两道千层面。

    I can prepare two dishes of lasagna .

  12. 意大利面、螺旋面、面条和千层面都是意大利面食。

    Spaghetti , fusilli , noodles and lasagne sheets are all forms of pasta .

  13. 这只是一小块千层面。

    That 's one small slice of lasagna .

  14. 没,因为我做的是千层面。

    No , cause I made lasagne .

  15. 她最喜欢的食物是千层面。

    Her favorite food was lasagna .

  16. 这是我这辈子吃过的最好的千层面了

    Best lasagna I ever had .

  17. 我刚做了些千层面

    I have some freshmade lasagna .

  18. 还有41%的人表示,自己能够信心十足地烹制意大利千层面。

    Some 41 % of cooks feel confident they can prepare the classic Italian dish lasagne .

  19. 给他们吃千层面。

    Let them eat lasagna .

  20. 千层面非常美味,可以单独上菜,或者配现做的绿叶蔬菜色拉。

    Lasagne is delicious served alone or it can be accompanied by a freshly made green salad .

  21. 乔伊开始吃起了千层面,每个人都转过来看着他。

    Joey starts to eat the rest of the lasagne and everyone turns and stares at him .

  22. 我买了很多东西我和亨利也吃不完而且我打算做意式千层面

    I bought more than enough for me and Henry , and ... Well , I 'm making lasagna .

  23. 进一步的调查发现,冷冻包装牛肉千层面、意大利番茄牛肉面以及肉丸中均含有马肉。

    Further investigations revealed horsemeat was also in frozen packaged beef lasagna and spaghetti bolognese as well as meatballs .

  24. 兰格在厨房里忙活着,拿出宽面条准备做意大利千层面,好在期末聚会上招待大家。

    In the kitchen , Langer began laying out wide noodles for a lasagna she was making for an end-of-term party .

  25. 1份犹太千层面、2份各重达8磅的磅蛋糕,还有一大盒的面丸子汤。

    One Jewish lasagna , two pound cakes that are about eight pounds each , and one giant container of matzah ball soup .

  26. 好吧,但我教他只是为了千层面,以及他每周日带回来的食物。

    Fine , but I 'm only doing it for the lasagna and the extra food he 's been bringing home on Sundays .

  27. 千层面不是一道菜,它是一种生活方式,一种存在状态,人类的一项伟大成就。

    Lasagna is not a dish , it 's a way of life , a state of being , men 's one perfect achievement .

  28. 钱德勒、乔伊和菲比开始在千层面中寻找。这时敲门声响起,莫妮卡去开门。

    Chandler , Joey , and Phoebe start to pick through the lasagne as there 's a knock on the door which Monica answers .

  29. 我们现在找到了3块鸡胸肉、4坨烘肉卷、1份千层面…-不,那是烤面条。

    Okay , so we 've got , um , three briskets , four meatloafs , one lasagna ... - No , that 's noodle kugel .

  30. 在加菲猫的身上你能够看到不少优秀的品质,比如它喜欢意大利千层面,讨厌星期一,还有它喜欢一只名叫“布奇”的泰迪熊。

    There are plenty of things you can feel positive knowing about Garfield - the cat who loves lasagna , hates Mondays and adores a teddy bear named Pooky .