
  1. 十六岁那年,尽管他只上了一年半的学,口袋里只有三美元,可他还是迁到了纽约。

    At age16 , with a year and a half of schooling and $ 3 in his pocket , he moved to New York City .

  2. 相同质量4N核间的半微观光学势

    A Semi-Microscopic Optical Potential Between 4N Nuclei with Same Masses

  3. 改良Pineda法半定量组织学评分实验组总分平均为6.50,较对照组差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The average gross score according to improved pineda 's semi-quantitative score system was 6.50 in the experiment group after 12 weeks and there was a significant difference between the experiment group and the control group .

  4. 通过大量资料的统计和分析对比,对我国20世纪前半期地学期刊的分布特征进行了分析。

    Through statistics and analysis of the vast data , the geographical distribution and regional characteristics of Chinese geo periodicals in the first half 20th century have been analysed .

  5. 20世纪上半叶教育学中国化问题的探索经历了适合国情意识的萌发、教育学中国化意识的凸现和教育学中国化的明确提出三个阶段。

    In the first half of the 20th century , the problem of the exploration of education creating experienced three stages : germinating the consciousness of " suiting national conditions ";

  6. 在20世纪上半叶,学界对中国少数民族艺术的研究可以划分为3个时期:1900至1919年为萌芽时期,中国少数民族艺术研究的视野开始展开;

    The scholars concerned have divided the first half of the 20th century into three periods in terms of the study of the Chinese minority arts : 1.the initial stage from 1900 to 1919 when its academic study emerged ;

  7. 20世纪前半叶汉语语法学的变换分析

    Transformational Analysis in Chinese Grammar in the First Half of 20th Century

  8. 脑缺血半暗带影像学演变规律的实验研究

    Imaging Evolution of Brain Ischemic Penumbra : Experimental Study

  9. 20世纪前半期中国地学期刊的区域分布特征

    The regional distribution characteristics of Chinese geo-periodicals in the first half 20th century

  10. 提出20世纪上半叶中国教育学的发展基本上经历了三个阶段:以引进为主要特征的初现阶段;

    It points out that the development of Chinese pedagogy experienced three stages : the starting stage with introduction as its main feature ;

  11. 细胞间隙连接半通道的生理学特性皮孔通道与中果皮细胞间隙相通。

    PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF HEMI-CHANNEL OF GAP JUNCTION The lenticel ducts connected with the interstices between cells in the mesocarp , which were large and presented in great numbers .

  12. 在人造卫星大地测量技术中,半动力半几何学方法满足了几何学法的严格同步的要求和动力法的高精度理论模型的要求,又有利于实时求解参数。

    Among the methods of artificial satellite geodesy technology , the SRD method can meet the demands of serious simultaneity in geometry method as well as high precision models in dynamical method , it also has the advantage of solving related parameters instantaneously .