
  1. 家长说的每句话都将对孩子产生影响。

    Every word from the parents will have an effect on the child .

  2. 一些家长说,他们希望自己的孩子在普通学校接受教育。

    Several parents said they wanted their kids to be educated in ordinary schools .

  3. 家长说,“对我来说,这本书违背了我的道德观。”

    The parent says ," To me ,( this book ) is morally objectionable . "

  4. 学龄儿童的家长说,学校在组织用药前通常会征求家长同意。

    Parents of school-age children say schools in China typically require parental consent before administering medication .

  5. 另一位家长说,“我不喜欢这本书叙述历史的方式。”

    Another parent said ," I don 't like the way this book portrays history . "

  6. 一些家长说,他们并不担心自己的孩子去吃看起来干净的雪。

    Some parents say they are not going to worry about their kids eating snow that looks clean .

  7. 很多中国家长说,在孩子生病时和接受体检前,学校经常会通知他们。

    Many parents in China say schools frequently inform them when their children are sick and before performing health checks .

  8. 一位家长说她准备把孩子送回村里,因为那里的条件更好。

    One parent says she is preparing to take her child back to her village , because conditions are better there .

  9. 萨姆森先生在信中对家长说:由于难得的好天气,贝灵汉基督学校决定停课一天。

    Bellingham Christian School has decided to cancel school due to good weather , said Mr Samson in the letter to parents .

  10. 两位家长说,由于往返上班需要30分钟时间,孩子们觉得第一所房子不方便上班。

    The newlyweds found the first apartment " inconvenient " for their jobs , their parents said , because it required a 30-minute commute from their offices .

  11. 54%的家长说他们和孩子呆在一起的时间太少了。47%的已婚夫妇抱怨他们缺少在一起的时间.

    Fifty-four percent of parents say they spend too little time with their children , and 47 percent of married couples complain that they lack time together .

  12. 除了上述结果之外,调查还显示,超过48%的家长说他们对于中国在家上学的未来走向非常乐观。

    In addition to such findings , the survey showed that over 48 % of parents said they were very optimistic about the development of homeschooling in China in particular .

  13. 尽管国家媒体对这个改革颇有微词,一些老师和家长说他们相信学习这些美国文件能帮助中国学生更好的应对出国以后的生活。

    Despite the state media criticism of the overhaul , some teachers and parents say they believe that studying the American documents can better prepare Chinese students for life abroad .

  14. 如今只有6%的学校里还设立售卖零食的小卖部,63%的家长说他们过去的学校里有摆满零食的小卖部。

    While just six percent of schools still offer a shop with sugary snacks , 63 percent of parents admitted their old school had a tuck shop stuffed with treats .

  15. 不但有老师提前写信给家长说“不要送礼”,甚至有多所学校当日放假一天,不搞任何庆祝活动。

    Not only are parents sent letters being asked not to send teachers gifts , but also many schools have a day off on that day with not even celebrations held .

  16. 一位和孩子一起被截住的家长说她没时间讨论孩子为什么没上学的问题,因为她得去买一条牛仔裤。

    One parent was stopped with her child and said she did not have time to discuss why the child was not in school because she needed to buy a pair of jeans .

  17. 一位名叫丹妮尔·帕克的家长说:“我认为有必要树立这种告示牌,因为很多人都是用手机接孩子的。我希望这些家长能做出改变。”

    Danielle Parker , a parent , said : " I think they need to be up because everyone picks their kids up on their phones . I 'd like to think they 'd make a difference . "

  18. 一位学生家长说:如果有人在我女儿的大学鼓吹这种新型性关系,抨击传统家庭观念价值,我会起诉学校的。

    " If anyone in my daughter 's university dares to give a lecture advocating new types of sexual relations and attacking traditional family values , I will sue the university ," said Xue Yong , parent of a university student .

  19. 这时,不情愿的家长大声说:"好吧,好吧,我来做。"

    At this point the unwilling parent speaks up , " Alright . Yes , I 'll do it . "

  20. 她上学那会儿是1930年代,老师给她家长写信说:“我们认为Gillian患有学习障碍症。”

    And the school , in the ' 30s , wrote to her parents and said , " We think Gillian has a learning disorder . "

  21. 这是我的学生家长常说的话。

    This is what my student 's parent always says .

  22. 但家长抗议说软件是可以做手脚的。

    But parents complained the software could have been rigged .

  23. 家长联盟说,任何禁令都会面临严重的后勤问题。

    Parents " organisations say any ban would pose a significant logistical problem .

  24. 我们家长总是说,如果你们不好好学习,就把你送到农村种地去。

    Our parents always said if we don 't study very hard , they will send us to village to do farming .

  25. 作为一个家长解释说,他们先去了解背景材料,然后年轻人能会面和注意更多个人资料。

    As one parent explained they first pay attention to the background issues and later the young could meet and focuson more personal issues .

  26. 去年,在新德里两名儿童被诊断患了这种病,尽管这两个孩子的家长都说孩子服用过口服疫苗。

    Two children were diagnosed with the disease last year in New Delhi , although the parents of both say their children had taken oral doses of the vaccine .

  27. 从家长方面说,本文论述了三个方面的策略;从教师方面来讲,本文论述了五个方面的具体策略。

    From the guardian said , this article discusses the three aspects of strategy ; teachers from the flip side , this paper discusses the five aspects of the strategy .

  28. 全班人都哭了,就我一人没哭,老师说要见家长,说我性格太霸道,不适合他们的学校。

    All children in class have cried , and I haven ' t.Teacher said that must see the guardian , because my temperament is overbearing , doesn 't suit their school .

  29. 面对着这令人震惊的趋势,很多家长抱怨说,如果孩子们在学校多参与体育锻炼,身材将会苗条健康许多。

    That alarming trend has led a lot of adults to complain that kids these days would be slim and fit if they just had physical education ( P.E. ) in school .

  30. 68%的家长都说自己曾经急着想开学去见分开六周的朋友们,然而现在只有23%的孩子这样。

    It also emerged 68 percent of parents said they rushed back to school to catch up with friends they hadn 't seen for the six-week break compared to 23 percent now .