
  • 网络Semiconductor Integrated Circuit;Integrated Circuit, IC;CMOS;sic
  1. 半导体集成电路行业(简称半导体行业)是整个4C(consumerelectronics、communication、computer、controller)行业的基础和灵魂。

    Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Industry ( abbr. Semiconductor Industry ) is the foundation and engine of the whole 4C ( consumer electronics , communication , computer & controller ) industries .

  2. LCoS技术是硅基CMOS半导体集成电路技术和液晶显示技术相结合的新技术。

    LCoS is a new technique produced by combining the silicon based CMOS semiconductor integrated circuit and the liquid crystal display technology .

  3. 半导体集成电路(IC)产品标准的应用

    The Application of Standards for Semiconductor IC Productions

  4. GB/T3437-1982半导体集成电路MOS存储器系列和品种

    Families and products of MOS memory for semiconductor integrator circuits

  5. GB/T14129-1993半导体集成电路TTL电路系列和品种PAL系列的品种

    Series and products for TTL semiconductor integrated circuits & Products of series PAL

  6. 硅片超精密磨床是半导体集成电路(IC)制造中的关键装备,主要应用于IC制程中的硅片制备加工和IC后道制程中图形硅片的背面减薄。

    Ultra-precision grinding machine is one of the key equipments in integrated circuit manufacturing , which is mainly used in both manufacture of primary wafer and backside thinning of patterned wafer .

  7. 本文主要叙述了半导体集成电路在封装过程中,环境因素和静电因素对IC封装方面的影响,同时对封装工艺中提高封装成品率也作了一点探讨。

    The effects of environmental and electrostatic factors on IC packaging are mainly stated in this paper , Meanwhile the improvement of the product field in IC packaging is also offered .

  8. 微机电系统技术(MEMS)是随着半导体集成电路微细加工技术和超精密机械加工技术的发展而发展起来的。

    Micro-Electro-Mechanical System ( briefly named MEMS ) has grown up along with the development of semiconductor 's integrate circuit minuteness machine technology and exceed exactitude machine process technology .

  9. RFID技术是一个复杂的应用技术,它不仅涵盖了微波技术与电磁学理论,而且还涉及通信原理及半导体集成电路技术,是一项多学科融合的新兴应用技术。

    RFID technology is a complex application technology , which is a multidisciplinary integration of emerging technology . It not only covers the microwave technology and the electromagnetic theory , but also covers communication principle and semiconductor integrated circuit technology .

  10. 这些高精度的微电子计算机设备内置了大量的CMOS半导体集成电路,导致过压、过流保护能力极其脆弱,无法保证在特定的空间遭受电涌时仍能安全运行。

    These the high-accuracy microelectronics computer equipment has had large amount of CMOS semiconductor IC built-in , energy safety has still worked when have led to , the fault stream protect extremely fragile , unable guarantee of ability suffering an electricity in specially appointed space pouring .

  11. 薄膜体声波(FBAR)微质量传感器因其独特的优势,可与半导体集成电路工艺相兼容的特点,显示出了不俗的应用前景。

    Film bulk acoustic wave ( FBAR ) micro-mass sensor shown impressive application prospects , because that its unique advantages , the semiconductor integrated circuit technology compatible with the characteristics shown impressive application prospects .

  12. SISC研究所是中国最早成立的半导体集成电路专业研究所,也是我国唯一的模拟集成电路专业研究所,目前军品产值占80%以上。

    SISC is a specialized semiconductor IC research institute that was earliest established in China , and is also only specialized research institute for analog ICs whose production value of military products accounts for 80 % and more .

  13. GB/T14862-1993半导体集成电路封装结到外壳热阻测试方法外皮或包膜一个包装壳或外壳

    Junction-to-case thermal resistance test methods of packages for semiconductor integrated circuits

  14. 半导体集成电路用金属硅化物的制备与检测评价

    Preparation and Characterization of Metal Silicides Used for Semiconductor Integrated Circuits

  15. 结构相似性原理在半导体集成电路检验中的应用

    Application of the Principle of Structural Similarity to Semiconductor IC Test

  16. 硅铝结构的薄膜热电堆采用半导体集成电路工艺和微机械加工工艺制造。

    The thermopile fabrication process combined MEMS technology with semiconductor IC processes .

  17. GB/T3438-1982半导体集成电路双极型存储器系列和品种

    Families and products of bipolar memory for semiconductor integrated circuits

  18. GB/T14028-1992半导体集成电路模拟开关测试方法的基本原理

    General principles of measuring methods of analogue switches for semiconductor integrated circuits

  19. 半导体集成电路在锂离子电池保护电路中的应用

    Application of Semiconductor IC in Protective Circuit for Lithium-ion Battery

  20. 半导体集成电路封装测试工厂生产能力提升研究

    Study on Capacity Improvement of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Factory Test & Measurement

  21. 半导体集成电路产业技术现状及发展前景

    Status and Prospects for Semiconductor IC Industry and Technology

  22. 一种适用于晶体振荡器的单块半导体集成电路

    A Kind of Semiconductor Integrated Circuit for Crystal Oscillators

  23. GB/T5965-1986半导体集成电路双极型门电路空白详细规范

    Blank detail specification for semiconductor integrated circuit bipolar gates

  24. 半导体集成电路生产中的洁净技术

    Cleaning Technology in Production of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits

  25. GB/T13069-1991半导体集成电路系列和品种数控机床用系列的品种

    Series and products for semiconductor integrated circuits-Products for use in numerical control machine tool

  26. 半导体集成电路用表面钝化膜的研究

    Study on surface passivation films for integrated circuits

  27. GB/T4379-1984半导体集成电路Cu8080/Cu8085微处理机电路系列和品种

    The family and products of Cu8080 / Cu8085 microprocessor components for semiconductor integrated circuits

  28. 基于半导体集成电路辐射效应的空间辐射环境探测器

    Dosimeters based on radiation effects of Si ICs

  29. 金属-氧化物-半导体集成电路

    Metal - oxide - semiconductor integrated circuit

  30. GB/T14113-1993半导体集成电路封装术语

    Terminology of packages for semiconductor integrated circuits