
bàn yuè
  • half month;meniscus;half-moon
半月 [bàn yuè]
  • (1) [half month]∶一月之半

  • (2) [half-moon]∶当月球半个圆面被照亮时的上弦月或下弦月;上弦或下弦时看到的月球

半月[bàn yuè]
  1. 凋亡的细胞表现为核染色质浓缩、边移,呈半月型、环状或不规则状,凋亡小体形成,电泳下见DNA梯状图谱。

    The apoptosis was characterized by chromatin concentration and margination , in half-moon , loop , and irregular shapes , and apoptotic body formation , and DNA ladder formation by gel electrophoresis .

  2. 我是在看是新月还是半月?

    I mean , is it still crescent or a half-moon ?

  3. 我女儿埃玛出生时提前了两个半月。

    When my daughter Emma was born she was two and a half months premature .

  4. 我们已经罢工两个半月了,除非要求得到满足,否则我们不会复工。

    We 've been out for two and a half months and we 're not going back until we get what we 're asking for .

  5. 友人远去相将半月有余。

    It has been over half a month since my friend went far away .

  6. 他们说他们能在两个半月内完成了这项工作。

    They said that they could complete the work in two months and a half .

  7. 请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。

    We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April .

  8. CT引导下经皮穿刺三叉神经半月节毁损治疗重度三叉神经痛

    Chemical mutilation of trigeminal gasserian ganglion following CT-guided percutaneous puncture for the treatment of severe trigeminal neuralgia

  9. CT引导和非引导下半月神经节毁损术治疗三叉神经痛

    Percutaneous puncture and chemical neurolysis of gasserian ganglion under the guide of computerized tomography for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

  10. 目的评价使用CT和神经电生理定位引导射频热凝术穿刺半月神经节治疗原发性三叉神经痛的临床价值。

    Objective To explore the clinical value of CT guidance combined with nerve electrophysiology in the radiofrequency thermocoagulation of Gasser 's ganglion for the trigeminal neuralgia .

  11. 在穿刺卵圆孔过程中CT引导穿刺的方向并确认针尖的位置,经造影确保穿刺针准确位于神经节内,然后向三叉神经半月节注射神经阻滞破坏药阿霉素。

    Adriamycin was injected into trigeminal gasserian ganglion as a neurolytic agent after the identification when contrast medium spread properly inside the ganglion on CT monitor .

  12. 结论晕征、空气半月征是侵袭型肺曲霉菌病的CT特征性表现,结合原发病史,对侵袭型肺曲霉菌病诊断或早期提示性具有重要意义。

    Conclusion Halosign or air crescent sign , the specific manifestation on CT images , is of clinical significance in the early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis .

  13. 结论CT定位选择性三叉神经半月节射频热凝术治疗原发性三叉神经痛安全简便,疗效可靠,并发症少,尤其适用于高龄或不能耐受开颅手术的病人。

    Conclusions CT-guided selective radiofrequency thermocoagulation is a safe , simple , and effective option for the treatment of PTN , especially suitable for the elderly and high-risk patients .

  14. 目的:比较CT引导与非CT引导下经皮穿刺,用阿霉素毁损三叉神经半月节治疗三叉神经痛的疗效和并发症。

    Objective : The effects and the complications of percutaneous puncture and chemical neurolysis of trigeminal ganglion guided by or not by computerized tomography were compared for treating trigeminal neuralgia .

  15. 对象:清洁级4个半月龄未交配的雌性SD大鼠24只,体质量(230±15)g。

    MATERIALS : Twenty-four specific pathogen free ( SPF ) unmated SD rats were selected , aging 4 and half months and weighing 230 ± 15 g.

  16. MalcolmKing和其他研究员在本月上半月的医学杂志TheLancet部分刊登了这些。

    Malcolm King and other researchers wrote about this in the medical journal The Lancet earlier this month .

  17. 鸡胚半月瓣Valsalva窦的形态发生

    Morphogenesis of valsalva 's sinus of semilunar valves in chick embryo

  18. 你已经和Penny在一起一个半月了,哥们儿,我的那位呢?

    Howard : So you 've been with Penny for like a month and a half now . Where 's my shorty , Morty ?

  19. 随访6个半月~9年,使用Dick内固定器的4例有5枚螺钉断裂,1例1枚松动,无脱出;

    Followed for 6.5 months to 9 years , 5 screws were broken and 1 became flexible in 4 cases by Dick 's systems .

  20. 结果:术后半月内增强CT或磁共振成像(MRI)扫描显示:9例病灶完全消失,2例肿瘤周边有少许残余。

    Result : The CT or MRI scanning taken in half a month after operation showed that the lesions disappeared totally in 9 cases and a little residual at the periphery of tumors in 2 cases .

  21. 术后间歇性补充尼尔雌醇2mg,每半月或1个月1次。

    Estradiol was used after operation intermittently , once every 15 days or a month .

  22. 拱的横向稳定性研究T4肋横突关节呈球窝型,其中2例关节腔内有半月状软骨.结论;

    The Lateral Stability of Arch The costotransverse joint of T4 is spheroid articulation , and there are menisci in two joints .

  23. 两组腹痛、发热超过半月者分别为59%与21%、62.9%与21%,感染发生率分别为18.5%与8.3%(P均<0.01)。

    Symptoms of abdominal pain and fever lasted more than half a month were 59 % vs 21 % , 62 % vs 21 % respectively . The rate of developing infection was 18.5 % vs 8.3 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 采用人工模拟海洋环境加速局部锈蚀的方法,运用3个自制表面粘贴PZT传感器对钢梁的局部锈蚀状态进行为期五个半月的锈蚀发展过程监测试验。

    A test of monitoring the localized corrosion growth on a steel beam is carried out for five and a half months using three self-made surface-bonded PZT transducers .

  25. 用光镜和扫描电镜方法,观察鸡胚半月瓣Valsalva窦的形态发生过程。

    The morphogenesis of Valsalva 's sinus of semilunar valves in chick embryo was studied with SEM and LM .

  26. 四个半月之后iMac就占据了美国计算机销售排行榜的首位

    In four and a half months , iMac has become the number one selling computer in America .

  27. 周一下午,美国加利福尼亚中区(CentralDistrictofCalifornia)法院的谢里•皮姆法官(JudgeSheriPym)批准了美国司法部申请撤销她一个半月前授予的法庭令的请求。

    On Monday afternoon , Judge Sheri Pym of the Central District of California granted the DoJ 's request to vacate the court order she granted a month and a half ago .

  28. 目的探讨人工合成聚甘醇碳酸(MAXON)可吸收缝线在关节镜下膝关节半月板缝合术中的治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the efficiency of Maxon absorbable sutures in arthroscopic meniscus repair .

  29. 采用NINSS评分标准,评价急性脑梗死入组时病情,并按照有效和无效评价临床疗效;TIA有效标准为治疗后半月内无复发。

    NINSS rating criteria was used to evaluate ischemic stroke in accordance with valid and invalid .

  30. POPSUGAR网站:指甲上的半月是什么?

    POPSUGAR : What is the lunula part of the nail ?