
In high energy density plasmas produced by intense laser pulses , electrons are degenerated and obey the Fermi-Dirac distribution . The electron degeneracy leads to consider the Fermi statistics pressure and the quantum Bohm potential . Meanwhile , electrons are relativistic due to driving by intense laser pulses .
Degeneracy of parity even and odd electron solutions of the free Dirac equation may cau - se uncertainties in first order calculation of the perturbative energy .
Once a magnetic field is applied to the system , the spin degeneracy is broken and the energy of the electron is cut into two energy levels . The whole tunnelling process of the electron through the quantum dot is described by quantum master equation .
By solving the energy spectrum of molecular self-consistent Hamiltonian ( MPSH ), we found the degeneracy between two spin components is broken , thus spin-polarized current will be generated under external bias .
The numerical results clearly suggest that the applied magnetic flux breaks the time reversal symmetry and lifts the valley degeneracy in graphene ring .
The temperature variation of the optical absorption curves is caused by drift of the absorption and as well as by changing the effects elective electron mass and degeneracy effects in the Hg_ ( 0.83 ) Mn_ ( 0.17 ) Te crystals .
The influence that spin of an electron affects energy degeneracy of one-electron system is discussed from symmetry , and the general law of the influence is produced .