
  • 网络Huatuo Jiaji acupoint;Huatuo spine points
  1. 腰段华佗夹脊穴针刺深度的CT影像定位探析

    Study on the needling depth of lumbar Jiaji ( Ex-B2 ) points with CT imaging location

  2. 方法:采用CT对华佗夹脊穴(腰段)的进针深度、角度、相关组织层面及植入的羊肠线进行扫描观察。

    Methods CT technique was used for scanning investigation on the depth and angle of needling lumbar Jiaji ( Ex-B2 ) .

  3. 方法:应用醒脑开窍针法结合针刺华佗夹脊穴,治疗MS患者28例,观察其治疗前后临床症状、神经功能体征等变化。

    Methods Twenty-eight cases of MS were treated by restoring consciousness and inducing resuscitation needling combined with need-ling Jiaji ( EX-B2 ) and changes of clinical symptoms and physical sings of nervous function before and after treatment were investigated .

  4. 华佗夹脊穴的理论与临床研究

    The Theory and Clinical Research of Huatuo Jiaji Acupoint

  5. 目的观察采用华佗夹脊穴治疗慢性胃炎的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of Huatuo Jaji points for treating chronic gastritis patients .

  6. 华佗夹脊穴是临床具有良好疗效的一类腧穴,且近年来愈来愈受到针灸临床医师的青睐。

    Huatuo Jiaji points have good curative effect in clinic and were widely used by clinical acupuncturist .

  7. 电针华佗夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症32例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 32 Cases of Lumber Intervertebral Disc Herniation Treated by Electro-acupuncture on Huatuo Jiaji Points

  8. 目的:探讨在华佗夹脊穴(腰段)采用新针刺方法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的安全深度与角度。

    Objective To study on safe depth and angle of needling lumbar Jiaji ( Ex-B2 ) for treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc .

  9. 近年来,传统华佗夹脊穴治疗中风的临床观察及机理研究开始受到关注。

    In recent years , traditional Huatuojiaji ( Ex-B2 ) points have begin to be rewarded on clinical observation and research for treating wind stroke .

  10. 方法利用针刺华佗夹脊穴、背俞穴拔罐、背部点穴疗法治疗慢性胃炎102例。

    Methods One hundred and two patients with chronic gastritis patients were treated by acupuncture of Huatuo Jaji points , cupping on Backshu points and digital pressing on dorsal point .

  11. 本研究的目的在于评价华佗夹脊穴治疗中风偏瘫&脑血管病肢体功能障碍(气虚血淤证)的临床疗效性。

    The objective of this research is to value the effect of Huatuojiaji ( Ex-B2 ) point treating wind stroke hemiplegia with Limb and body functional obstacle of cerebral vascular disease .

  12. 方法挑刺膀胱经背俞穴、华佗夹脊、督脉等穴治疗30例强直性脊柱炎。

    Methods Back shu points of the Bladder Meridian , points Huatuojiaji , and acupoints of the Governor Meridian were used to treat 30 cases of ankylosing spondylitis .