
  • 网络Course of Lung Meridian
  1. 用~(32)P光镜放射自显影示踪术对人体经脉循行路线组织结构的研究

    Study on tissue structure of transmission route of human meridian with ~ ( 32 ) P light microscopic radioautography

  2. ~(32)P整体放射自显影技术用于人体十二经脉循行路线穴位的示踪

    Trace of Body Point in Transmission Route of Twelve Meridian of Human with ~ ( 32 ) P Radioautography

  3. 方法:用32P光镜放射自显影示踪技术对人体经脉循行路线进行了2例组织结构的研究。

    Methods : The transmission route of human meridian was studied in 2 cases with 32 P light microscopic radioautography .

  4. 结论:以上实验结果表明:(l)大多数被观察的志愿者,经脉循行线下深部组织温度与两侧旁开的非经对照部位显著不同,有循经分布的特点;

    Conclusion : The above results of observation reveal that ( 1 ) the temperature of deep tissue along Pericardium meridian course is markedly different from that of bilateral non-meridian area , showing a character of following the meridian , in a majority of the subjects observed ;

  5. 分析讲解督脉、任脉的经脉循行。

    To explain the circulation of Du Meridian , Ren Meridian .

  6. 人体体表经脉循行路线的自然显示

    Displaying of meridian courses travelling over human body surface under natural conditions

  7. 目的:探讨经脉循行的基本规律。

    Objective To study the basic law of circulation of channels and collaterals .

  8. 这一结果为进一步探索经脉循行路线的物质基础提供了一个线索。

    This result provides a clue for exploring the material basis of meridians .

  9. 经脉循行规律研究

    Study on the law of circulation of meridians

  10. 手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。

    The circulation of Hand-Taiyin , Hand-Yangming meridians .

  11. 足太阳经,足少阴经的经脉循行。

    The circulation of Foot-Taiyang , Foot-Shaoyinmeridians .

  12. 目的:研究人体经脉循行路线的组织结构究竟是什么的问题。

    Objective : To research the tissue structure of transmission route of human meridian with 32 P light microscopic radioautography .

  13. 经脉循行线上组织氧分压的观察及其针刺的影响

    Observation on the partial pressure of oxygen in deep tissue along the meridian course and the effect of acupuncture on it

  14. 一方面是以患者下肢症状进行经脉循行分组法。

    Rased on the one hand , patients with lower extremity symptoms into a few of the meridian line group method .

  15. 循经感传现象客观显示的研究&上肢经脉循行部位红外热像图的变化

    OBJECTIVE DISPLAY ON PHENOMENA OF PROPAGATED SENSATION ALONG CHANNELS ( PSC ) & Changes on The Infrared Thermal Image Channels Pathway 0f Upper Extremity

  16. 古人将上下相应的标、本脉相联系,形成最初简单的两点连一线的经脉循行线。

    Ancient people connect the upper with lower biao and ben and draw a line between two points , forming the original simple meridian cycle .

  17. 针对五输穴循行与十二经脉循行的矛盾之处进行了探讨,认为两者并非同一系统。

    Studied and discussed the contradiction of running direction between Five-Shu acupoints and twelve regular meridians , it was thought that they are not the same system .

  18. 而以经脉循行进行分组分法的,其经统计后得出的结果:与太阳经组相关之穴位有胆、小肠、膀胱、内生殖器。

    Grouped meridian points , obtained after the statistical results : acupuncture points have the courage of the sun by the group , small intestine , bladder , internal genitalia .

  19. 经脉循行线上出现的各种生物物理现象包括红外辐射轨迹、液晶等与机体生物信息的特殊传递活动密不可分;

    Various biophysiological phenomena including infra-red radiation trace of meridians ( IRRTM ), liquid crystal granules , etc appearing along the meridian are associated with the specific transmission of biological information .

  20. 背景:在无任何外加刺激的自然条件下,人体体表可以观察到与古典十四经脉循行路线基本一致的循经红外辐射轨迹。

    BACKGROUND : Without any external stimuli in natural environment , it is applicable to observe the infrared radiant track over human body surface that is in conformity basically with the running courses of ancient fourteen meridians .

  21. 结论:腧穴主治与经脉病候、经脉循行之间的关系不能简单地以《灵枢·经脉》而论。

    Conclusion The relation of indications of acupoints with disease groups and circulation route of channels can not be discussed simply by Miraculous Pivot · Channels .

  22. 足阳明胃经经为十二经脉之长,循行分布广泛,联系经络脏腑器官众多,气血充足,功用复杂,为全身经脉之根本。

    The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming is the head of the twelve meridians . Its course and link are abroad . It connects many meridians and organs .

  23. 从而提出调节度概念,作为经络现象的统一度量机制、经脉线上与经脉线外特性差异性和经脉循行线及其存在的评价准则。

    Hence , a concept of regulation degree was put forward and could be used as an unified measuring unit or criteria for examining MP , the difference of electrical characteristics between the meridian route and outside of the meridian route , and for judging the existence of meridian .