
jīng shū
  • Confucian classics
经书 [jīng shū]
  • [Confucian classics] 指儒家经典,如《易经》、《书经》、《诗经》、《春秋》等

经书[jīng shū]
  1. 现在有不少小孩儿读经书。

    Many children read the Confucian classics .

  2. 读经书和中小学语文教学中的汉语现代化

    Reading Confucian Classics and Chinese Modernization of Chinese Teaching in Middle and Primary School

  3. 他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music .

  4. 只剩页页经书扰起一股悲风。

    The leaves of the sutra Merely stir a sad wind .

  5. 因而很难找到两本完全相同的经书。

    It was difficult to find two scriptures of the same style .

  6. 家家都有一本难念的经,只是经书的难度稍有不同。

    Every family has problems , The difference is the difficulty level .

  7. 只有信仰和宗教场所,没有经书,因此被学者称之为没有经卷的宗教。

    Shinto only has faith and religious places without scriptures .

  8. 经书承载着中国悠久的文化,传统的读经教育中蕴含着重要的教育方法。

    Ancient classics bear century-old Chinese culture and traditional education employs some helpful methods .

  9. 基督教(包括《新约》)和犹太教的正典经书。

    Sacred scriptures of Judaism and , with the New Testament , of Christianity .

  10. 玄奘回到了中国,带回了大量的佛教经书。

    Xuanzang returned to China bringing with him a large volume of Buddhist scriptures .

  11. 大部分是各种经书的章节。

    Most are passages from various bibles .

  12. 玄奘修建大雁塔是为了存放经书。

    Xuanzang built the pagoda in order to have a place for his Buddhist books .

  13. 他说这是不可接受的骚扰,这意味着经常听不到诵读经书的声音。

    He said this was unacceptably intrusive and meant that the words recited were often indistinct .

  14. 国家大学的讲座会场外,来宾在经书流通处索取资料。

    Many guests request spiritual information at the bookstall outside the seminar hall at University national .

  15. 目前,她在亚洲神学协会写历代志的释经书。

    Presently , she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association .

  16. 他那副样子就象我们在古旧的经书扉页上看到的黑色木刻肖像;

    He looked like the darkly engraved portraits which we see prefixed to old volumes of sermons ;

  17. 为了有一个准则的版本,这部石刻经书就诞生了。

    To have a standard version of these classics , classics carved in stone were thus born .

  18. 经书上讲‘你要敬拜你的天主上帝,而且只是崇拜他。’

    Scripture says ," you shall do homage to the LORD your God and worship him alone . "

  19. 杰克•克鲁亚克写了这个作为对加里•斯奈德建议他写下第一本经书的回应。

    Jack Kerouac wrote this in response to Gary Snyder 's suggestion that he write his first Sutra .

  20. 火:过去因宗教误会而被烧经书及房舍。

    Fire : the burning of our literature and property by fire in the past through religious misunderstanding .

  21. 加迪儿牧师认为师父的经书有助于拘留所及其所。

    Reverend gadaire felt that masters teachings will be of help to both the prison and its prisoners .

  22. 《周易》是中国古代经书,对中国文化产生了深远的影响。

    Zhou Yi is one of ancient Confucian classics , and has a profound impact on the Chinese culture .

  23. 毕摩经书与语言是安全永续的,抑或仅是学习汉语的一个台阶?

    Is the Script and Language of the Bimo Safe for ever or Only a Stepping Stone to Learning Han ?

  24. 旧约的十四卷经书包括拉丁文圣经但是没有圣经的犹太教版本和新教版本。

    14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the bible .

  25. 经书上的经再好,如果不去实践,那么它也仅仅是一些文字而已。

    The lection of classics is too better , If it is not practiced , is is nothing more than words .

  26. 其二,古人化用原文和经书古代传本多样性之间的矛盾。

    Second , the contradiction between the ancients applied original text flexibly and the diversity of ancient editions of Confucian classics .

  27. 排瑶地区流传的经书,为先生公举行宗教仪式时所使用。

    The Confucian classics that comes down the Pai Yao district is used by the religious ceremony that holds for Sir .

  28. 他回答说:“我少年时苦读经书,文才兼备。

    He replied : " When I was young , I studied the classics hard and had all the literary qualifications .

  29. 我们需要多少经书才能理解神性是来自于我们每个人的心中呢?

    How many scriptures do we need to understand that divinity comes from within the heart of each one of us ?

  30. 所征引的语言材料,可以分为三大类型,即经书群书、汉代通人之说与方言俗语。

    The material can be divided into three types , i.e. Confucian classics , the ordinary words of Han dynasty and dialects .