
jīnɡ jì xué dònɡ tài
  • economic perspectives
  1. 认知无线网络中基于微观经济学的动态频谱管理算法

    A Microeconomics Based Dynamic Spectrum Management Algorithm for Cognitive Wireless Networks

  2. 政治经济学理论动态的分析评述

    Commentary on the Theoretical Trend of Political Economy

  3. 静态经济学与动态经济学

    Static economics and dynamic economics

  4. 在可持续发展理论方面,概括了可持续发展观、可持续发展概念、可持续发展理论的研究方向及可持续发展的经济学研究动态等;

    As far as sustainable development theories are concerned , this article summarizes the sustainable development conception , the studying orientation of its , and the economic studying trends , etc.

  5. 将经济学的动态分析模型用于对烟气脱硝装置的经济评价,为电厂进行初步决策和可行性研究提供了重要依据。

    The application of dynamic model of economics in the economical evaluation of de-NOx equipment , can surely provide important reference for the preliminary dicision-making and feasibility study of power plants .

  6. 基于增长经济学和动态经济学理论构建分布滞后模型,实证分析了浙江耕地减少对经济增长和对提供非农劳动力的贡献情况。

    Based on Development Economics and Dynamic Economics , this paper sets up Lag Model and empirically analyzes the contribution of Zhejiang arable land loss to economic development and the contribution of the loss to offer non-agricultural labor .

  7. 本文研究利用到的主要理论是现代经济学的动态最优化理论、内生经济增长理论、公共财政学理论,主要研究工具是统计学和现代计量经济学。

    In this paper , taking advantage of the major theories of modern economics is the dynamic optimization theory , endogenous growth theory and public finance theory ; the main research tool is the statistics and modern econometrics .

  8. 医药经济学定量研究动态

    Modern Trends in the Quantitative Measurements of Medical Economics

  9. 医学院校西方经济学课程三维动态实践案例教学模式的构建

    Construction of 3-D Dynamic Practice Case-based Teaching Mode of Western Economics Course at Medical Colleges and Universities

  10. 近年来西方发展经济学开始关注动态贫困和“长期贫困”以及相关的研究。

    In recent years , western development economics has begun to pay attention to dynamic poverty and " chronic poverty " and related research .

  11. 由于对时间的简单处理,基于一般均衡理论的新古典经济学无法解释市场动态过程。

    Since the simplicity of dealing with time , the Neo-economics based on the general equilibrium theory fails to explain the dynamic process of market .

  12. 论文基于信息经济学不完全信息动态博弈理论中的信号博弈和贝叶斯均衡原理,分析了高校毕业生就业市场用人单位和毕业生之间的博弈过程。

    Based on the signaling game in the dynamic game theories of incomplete information and Bayesian equilibrium theory , the cooperative game process between the employer and the employee-to-be is provided .

  13. 本文通过对经济学上常用的动态分析主体之间关系的博弈理论和与谈判有关的双层博弈理论的分析,为政府如何增强谈判能力提供一些思考。

    With an analysis of the game theory , which is often used in the dynamic analysis of the relations between subjects , and the two-tier game theory , which is related to negotiation , this paper aims to provide some thoughts for the government to think over .