
  • 网络intelligent energy
  1. “通过这个导航系统,我们将看到智能能源管理最大限度地提高电动汽车充电效率和最大限度地减少电动车电费的实时结果,”普达解释。

    " Through this pilot we will see real-time results on how intelligent energy management can maximize EV charging efficiency and minimize the electric bill for EV drivers ," Pudar explained .

  2. 智能能源是指长期利用低成本高效益的产品来满足居民的能源需求。

    The term " smart energy " refers to the approach of using the most cost effective long term products to satisfy home residents'needs of energy .

  3. 智能大厦能源综合管理系统研究

    Study on integrated managing system of energy sources in the intelligent building

  4. 《模块化智能新能源发变配电装置》2000年获国家专利;

    " Modular Intelligent New-energy Power Generation , Transformation and Distribution Device " was awarded with the national patent in2000 .

  5. 东英格利亚大学的科学家已经表示,人类分辨在不久的将来确实能够为新一代的智能手机提供能源。

    Faeces could soon be used to power a future generation of mobile phones , scientists from the University of East Anglia have claimed .

  6. 压电复合材料层合杆结构已经是航天工程,智能工程,能源领域,海洋探测甚至生物技术等领域不可缺少的功能器件。

    Piezoelectric composite layered rods structures have become one of the important functional devices in the application areas as aerospace engineering , smart structures , ocean exploration , energy fields and even biological engineering .

  7. 讨论分析了水下机器人研究的关键技术,包括智能水平,能源问题,导航系统,传感器系统,水下通讯技术和多水下机器人协作研究,并指出了水下机器人的未来发展方向。

    The key technologies were discussed , including intelligent level , energy problem , navigation system , sensor system , underwater communication and multi-AUVs collaboration research . The development trends of autonomous underwater vehicle were pointed out .

  8. 57.我们鼓励经济体加强能源基础设施建设和互联互通,例如石油和天然气管道和传输网络、液态天然气终端、智能电网和能源输送网络。

    57 . We encourage member economies to strengthen energy infrastructural development and connectivity , such as oil and natural gas pipelines and transmission networks , LNG terminals , smart grids and distributed energy systems on the basis of shared interest and mutual benefit .

  9. 如何提高智能建筑中的能源利用效率,合理有效地利用能源,推动建筑节能显得十分重要。

    How to improve the Intelligent Building energy efficiency , rationally and effectively use the energy , it is important to promote energy-saving construction .

  10. 本届电动汽车及充电装置与储能展还将向专业贸易观众展示智能电网与新能源方面新技术、新设备重要内容。

    This exhibition will also exhibit to professional trade audience the important contents of new technologies and equipment in smart grid and new energy .

  11. 通过某铝加工企业的工程实例,介绍了一种基于以太网和智能仪表技术的能源数据采集系统设计方案。

    A plan of energy data collection system based on the technology of ethernet and intelligent instrument was introduced by aid of engineering examples of certain aluminum processing enterprise .

  12. 智能电网可望节省能源、降低成本、提高能效、降低美国对外国石油的依存度并促进可再生能源的利用。

    The Smart Grid is expected to save energy and consumers'money and reduce America 's dependence on foreign oil by improving efficiency and spurring the use of renewable energy .

  13. 随着电力行业的发展,微网作为种智能高效的分布式能源管理系统被提出,并成为新世纪电力系统发展的重要方向。

    With the development of power industry technology , the microgrid which is an intelligent and efficient distributed energy management has been proposed and becomes an important developing direction in power technology .

  14. 该组织的计划之一,是把专家、企业和公用事业单位召集在一起,增强中国对于智能电网如何提高能源效率的理解。智能电网可以更有效地管理电力流动。

    One of its initiatives brings together experts , companies and utilities to promote understanding in China of how smart grids – which manage power flows more effectively – could increase energy efficiency .

  15. 加强用能管理,发展智能电网和分布式能源,实施节能发电调度、合同能源管理、政府节能采购等行之有效的管理方式。

    We will tighten supervision of energy use , develop smart power grids and ensure the proper distribution of energy supplies , and implement effective administrative practices such as efficient electricity generation and distribution , energy performance contracting , and government procurement of energy-efficient goods and services .

  16. 要提高非化石能源发电比重,发展智能电网和分布式能源,鼓励发展风能、太阳能,开工一批水电、核电项目。

    We will continue to raise the proportion of electricity generated by non-fossil fuel , develop smart grids and promote balanced distribution of energy resources , encourage the development of wind and solar power and biomass energy , and start construction of a number of hydropower and nuclear power projects .

  17. 信息技术(IT)革命能够、也应当带来低成本的在线大学教育项目、比目前低得多的医疗成本、智能电网、智能城市和智能低碳能源体系。

    The IT revolution can and should lead to low-cost online universities , radically lower healthcare costs , smart grids , smart cities and smart low-carbon energy systems .