
  • 网络intellectual disability;Mental disability;mental handicapped;mental handicap
  1. 如厕困难的比例与智力残疾水平相关,而且在重度智力残疾者中更加常见。

    The incidence of toileting problems is associated with the level of intellectual disability , and more common among the children with severe intellectual disability .

  2. 然后,依据借鉴国外成熟的测试指标和专家研讨制定出不适合智力残疾学生指标的替代指标,通过实验验证替代指标的适用性和可操作性。

    Then , on the basis of drawing lessons from foreign mature test indicators and expert discussion to develop alternative index is not suitable for intellectual disability students index , through experimental verification of alternative indicators applicability and operability .

  3. 智力残疾患者的趾跖嵴纹分析

    Analysis on toe and metatarsus ridge of patients with mental deficiency

  4. 目的:了解智力残疾儿童的行为状况。

    Objective : To Understand health behaviors of mental retarded children .

  5. 无语言的孤独症和智力残疾儿童自发手势的发展研究

    Researches on Unsolicited Gestures of Non-language Children with Autism and Mental Retardation

  6. 低年级智力残疾儿童美术艺术治疗的初步尝试

    A Preliminary Study on Art Therapy with Mental Retardation in Lower Grades

  7. 随班就读轻度智力残疾学生数学能力研究

    Research on Mathematics Ability of Mild Retardation Students Learning in Regular Class

  8. 目的了解精神残疾和智力残疾情况。

    Objective : The study investigated the mental disability and intellectual impairment .

  9. 中度智力残疾学生劳动、劳动技术教育实验报告

    Experiment on Laboring technical Education for Moderate Mentally Retarded Pupils

  10. 目的了解精神发育迟滞与智力残疾情况。

    Objective : The study investigated the mental retardation and intellectual impairment .

  11. 智力残疾儿童的皮肤嵴纹数研究

    Research on skin ridge count of children with mental deficiency

  12. 科学家想知道杰妮是否有智力残疾。

    The scientists wondered if Genie had a mental disability .

  13. 广西智力残疾学生职业教育现状调查报告

    An Investigation Report on Vocational Education of Mental Retarded Students in Guangxi

  14. 我国智力残疾致残因素的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Factors Causing Mental Retardation in China

  15. 智力残疾学生课堂记忆特点的研究与运用

    A Research in the Memory Characteristics of Mentally Retarded Students and Its Application

  16. 智力残疾学生健康教育实验研究

    Experimental Study on Health Education for Mentally Retarded Students

  17. 颅脑外伤智力残疾评定中沟通技巧的应用

    Application of Communication Skills on Assessment of Intellectual Disability Caused by Craniocerebral Trauma

  18. 江苏省0~6岁儿童智力残疾的城乡差异

    The difference of children intellectual impairment in city and country of Jiangsu Province

  19. 智力残疾儿童的健康行为状况评估

    Evaluation of the Performance in Mental Retarded Children

  20. 安徽省某农村地区智力残疾妇女生殖健康危害现况调查

    Prevalence survey on reproduction health problems of women with mental retardation in rural area

  21. 江苏省常熟市0~6岁儿童智力残疾抽样调查

    Investigation of intellectual disabled children aged 0 to 6 years in Changshu of Jiangsu Province

  22. 近20年中国智力残疾学生职业教育研究进展

    A Review on Vocational Education for Chinese Mental Retarded Students in the Past 20 Years

  23. 目的了解90年代我国精神残疾和智力残疾状况。

    Objective This study investigated the mental disability and intellectual impairment in 90s in China .

  24. 类似的测试常被用于诊断智力残疾和包括痴呆症在内的智力衰退等。

    Similar tests are often used to diagnose mental disabilities and declines , including dementia .

  25. 调查两组妇女不良妊娠结局及子女智力残疾、癫痫、肢体残疾等发育障碍。

    The unhealthy pregnancy of the two group women and the growth obstruction of their children were investigated .

  26. 中度智力残疾低(1-3)年级实用语算教材的编写

    The Compilation of Applied Chinese and Arithmetic for the Children with Moderate Mental Retardation in the Lower Grades

  27. 目的:了解九江市各类精神障碍患病率及精神残疾和智力残疾状况。

    Objective : To investigate the prevalence of mental disorders , mental disability and intellectual impairment in Jiujiang areas .

  28. 本文对省内16个县市智力残疾儿童进行抽样调查。

    This is a survey of the mentally disabled children in 16 districts and cities of Guangdong by sampling method .

  29. 适应性行为评估是智力残疾诊断与干预的必要依据。

    Adaptive behavior is attracting more and more attention and have become necessary basis of diagnosis and intervention of mental retardation .

  30. 方法对精神障碍门诊病例、住院病例、精神与智力残疾鉴定病例进调查查分析。

    Methods : The survey was on the patients with mental disorder and the cases with mental disability and intellectual impairment .