
  • 网络Intelligent Crime;crime with intelligence
  1. 因此,研究智能犯罪的特点,制定相应的审讯对策是提高办案质量的一个重要的切入点。

    Therefore , a study on the characteristics of intelligent crime is a breakthrough point to work out relevant interrogation methods and improve the quality of case handling .

  2. 随着时代的进步和发展,各种智能犯罪和高科技犯罪凸现,如何充分利用技术侦查手段为办案服务就成为了当前形势迫切需要。

    With progressive era and development , a variety of intelligent crime and high-tech crime emerged . How to make full use of technological means in crime investigation becomes urgent .

  3. 智能犯罪的特征、类型及应对策略

    Characteristics 、 Types of Intelligence Crimes and Its Countermeasures

  4. 智能犯罪和一般犯罪的区别是:智能犯罪的反侦查性、迷惑性、专业技术性。

    Intelligence crime is different from normal crime lying in its anti-investigation , puzzling people and professional technology .

  5. 信息社会,科学技术日新月异,各种智能犯罪层出不穷。

    In the information-intensive society , science and technology changes with each passing day , various kinds of intellectual crimes emerge in an endless stream .

  6. 智能犯罪是科技文化的产物,在智能犯罪发展过程中,科技文化起着催化剂的作用。

    Brainpower crime is a result of science and technology culture , in the developing course of brainpower crime , science and technology culture take an effect of activator .

  7. 智能化犯罪主要有设计智能、工具智能和应变智能三种表现形式。

    Intelligent design intelligence , a crime main tool intelligence and strain intelligent three modes .

  8. 计算机犯罪作为一种高智能型犯罪,随着社会和技术的进步不断呈现出新态势。

    As a high-intelligent crime , computer crime constantly shows new tendency along with the advancement of the society and technology .

  9. 侦查教育系统职务犯罪这种智能型犯罪必须自始至终把握好谋略的运用。

    Education system duty crime is a kind of intelligent crime , which requests the investigation organ has to master the strategy while do such investigation .

  10. 因此,只有加强对犯罪智力手段的理论研究,对犯罪智力手段相关内涵进行界定和把握,才能进一步推进智能化犯罪这一领域的研究和防控。

    As a means of an advanced criminal approach , intellectual means of crime touches upon various aspects of our social life , resulting in serious harm to society .

  11. 信用卡诈骗罪是一种新型的金融犯罪,是利用信用卡作为犯罪工具和犯罪手段的一种智能型犯罪。

    The crime of credit cards swindling is a new type of financial crime . It is a intelligence crime that use the credit cart as guilty tools and crime means .

  12. 谈智能卡诈骗犯罪的防治策略

    Prevention and Cure Tactics of Intelligent Card Swindling Crime

  13. 智能卡诈骗犯罪,是全球经济犯罪的全新类型,更是有组织跨国犯罪团伙关注的焦点。

    Intelligent card swindling crime is a new global economic crime and also the focus which is concerned by organized transnational criminal gangs .

  14. 文章介绍了智能卡诈骗犯罪的犯罪途径,即主要通过信用卡、透支卡和储值卡实施犯罪。

    This article introduces the crime methods of intelligent card swindling crime : that is to commit crimes through credit cards , overdraft cards and savings cards .

  15. 跨国性、高度严密的组织性、犯罪手段日益现代化、智能化、犯罪的最终目的在于攫取尽可能大的经济利益是其主要特征。

    Transnational , highly well-organized , more and more modern and resourceful criminal means and gaining economic benefit to the full are the main characteristics of them .

  16. 并介绍了目前澳大利亚防治智能卡诈骗犯罪的三项策略:智能卡发行商策略,商家策略和技术解决策略。

    It also introduces the three tactics of preventing and curing intelligent card swindling crimes : intelligent card distributor tactics , stores ' tactics and technical solution tactics .

  17. 犯罪主体职业化、犯罪对象大款化、犯罪形式智能化、犯罪手段残忍化、社会影响政治化是其主要特征。

    Its chief characteristics are professional crime subjects , wealthy crime targets , crime forms of artificial intelligence , brutal crime means , and having social impact in politics .

  18. 与传统的犯罪相比,网络犯罪具有犯罪手段的隐蔽性、犯罪人员的高智能性、犯罪危害的严重性和犯罪本身的“虚幻”性等特点。

    Compared to traditional crime , crime in networks is characterized by the concealment of criminal means , the high intelligence of criminals , the gravity of harm caused by crime , and the transience of crime itself .

  19. 本文首先阐述了网络犯罪的概念、法律构成及其特点。网络犯罪的特点主要有:犯罪主体年轻化与智能化、犯罪手段多样性与隐蔽性、犯罪后果严重性及越来越具有跨国性。

    This article illustrates the concept of the network crime , law forming and characteristic at first , There are three characteristics of network crime mainly : subject younger and intelligent , variety and disguise of crime means , and having transnational qualities more and more .