
  1. 此外,现在的翻译机可以提供口语翻译服务,技术十分成熟。在人工智能时代,翻译职业位居即将被淘汰职业的前10名。这番话立即引发网友热议。

    Moreover , smart translation devices can offer sophisticated translation services and in the age of artificial intelligence , translators will be among the top 10 professions to be eliminated , he added .

  2. TheVerge杂志与托波尔对话,谈论医疗保健在当今社会的运转、人工智能时代的健康隐私问题,以及医生积极主动的重要性。

    The Verge spoke to Topol about how health care works today , health privacy concerns in the age of AI , and the importance of physician activism .

  3. 谢安还表示,中国的教育结构也应当作出适当的调整,以培养人才,应对人工智能时代的到来。

    Xie added that China 's education sector should also make appropriate adjustments to cultivate talents for the coming era of AI .

  4. 汽车电子已经从机械时代进入了电控时代,即将进入智能时代和普世时代。

    Electronic car has entered the era of electronic control from the era of mechanical , and is about to enter the smart times .

  5. 许多智能时代的科技,也能帮助我们更好地减少使用,重复利用,勤俭节约。

    And a lot of the technologies that have been developed for the smart age can also be adapted to reduce , reuse and also thrift more proficiently .

  6. 智能时代,随着移动通信和互联网技术的发展,手机应用商店作为顺应时代的产物孕育而生,给手机用户的生活带来了极大的便利。

    As the birth mark of information age , mobile phone application store ( AppStore ) brings mobile users with great convenience along with the development of telecommunication and internet technology in this smart era .

  7. 摘要随着车载导航系统和车载电话的普及,越来越多的汽车已经跨入了智能时代,而汽车的防盗仍是急需解决的问题。

    With the popularization of vehicle-mounted navigation system and vehicle-mounted telephones , more and more vehicles have entered the era of intelligence , where theft prevention is still the problem to be solved badly for vehicles .

  8. 物流建设进入新的发展阶段,表现在国家去年出台的十大产业发展振兴纲要中包括物流业,物联网将使物流走进智能时代。

    Logistics building into a new stage of development , the performance of the top ten in the country last year introduced the outline of industrial development and revitalization , including logistics , the logistics of things will age into intelligence .

  9. 随着智能时代的到来,在物联网市场发展和大数据内在需求的推动下,作为视觉传感网中基础节点的智能相机愈发显现出其重要的科研和市场价值。

    Driven by the blooming of Internet of Things and the internal need of Big Data , Smart Cameras , as basic nodes of the Visual Sensor Networks , have been displaying a high research and market value with the coming of the Smart Times .

  10. 这一新发展为工业自动化系统在新世纪进入以工业以太网、TCP/IP和嵌入式技术为标志的分布智能时代,最终解决数据共享与设备互操作问题带来了希望的曙光。

    This new advancement has shed light on the hope for finally resolving the problems of data sharing and interoperability of industrial automation system , which has come into a new era of distributed intelligence characterized by industrial Ethernet , TCP / IP and embedded systems .

  11. 在智能手机时代,没有理由问那些曾经可以接受的问题,如天气预报、企业的电话号码、如何找到某个建筑、餐馆或办公室等等,因为这些都可以在数字地图上很容易找到。

    In the age of the smart phone , there is no reason to ask once-acceptable questions about : the weather forecast , a business 's phone number , or directions to a house , a restaurant , or an office , which can be easily found on a digital map .

  12. Android系统的发布,标志着智能手机时代已经来临。

    The smartphone era has arrived when Android system released .

  13. 在当今的智能手机时代,手机有功能齐全的浏览器,大屏幕,和CPU,WAP已经迅速成为过去。

    In our present age of smartphones with full-featured browsers , large screens , and beefy CPUs , WAP has quickly become a relic of the past .

  14. 谷歌(Google)为后智能手机时代规划了一幅迄今最全面的愿景,该公司公布了一系列新的软件和服务,部分目的是追赶Facebook和亚马逊(Amazon)等竞争对手。

    Google has laid out its most comprehensive vision yet for a post-smartphone era , as it unveiled a range of new software and services partly aimed at catching up with rivals such as Facebook and Amazon .

  15. 与发达国家同时进入智能电网时代,且由于DES技术的长足进步,中国能够发挥“后发优势”。

    China has entered the " smart grid " era alongside of developed countries and benefiting from the significant progress in the development of DES technology , China enjoys a newcomer advantage .

  16. 目前已经进入了智能手机时代,出现了很多新型的移动设备,如Android手机等,会有越来越多的工程人员和研究人员进入移动CRM领域。

    With entering the era of smart phones , there have been many new mobile devices , such as Android phones , and more and more engineers and researchers will enter the field of mobile CRM .

  17. 一个全新的智能家电时代已经来临。

    A new era of smart household appliances is upcoming .

  18. 凯利认为,人工智能的时代终于近在眼前了。

    Kelly argues that the age of artificial intelligence is finally at hand .

  19. 视频监控系统经过多年的发展,已经进入智能化时代,并持续是安防领域的研究重点。

    After years of development , video surveillance system has entered the era of intelligent .

  20. 企业商业智能新时代:使用分析来实现全球竞争优势

    The New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence : Using Analytics to Achieve a Global Competitive Advantage

  21. 随着国家特高压工程的建设,我国已进入特高压、大电网、智能化时代。

    As countries of ultra-high voltage engineering construction , our country has entered the ultra-high voltage grid , intelligent , big time .

  22. 诺基亚在90年代引领了无线革命,并下定决心要把世界带进智能手机时代。

    Nokia led the wireless revolution in the 1990s and set its sights on ushering the world into the era of smartphones .

  23. 当然,对于处在智能手机时代的我们来说,手机的吸引力远比一本不错的书要大的多。

    Of course , it 's easy in our smartphone generation to ditch a good book and fiddle with our phones instead .

  24. 自上而下的网络融合不断推进,后网络智能化时代接入层网络演进将是部署的重点。

    Along with the top-down network convergence to the " post network intelligentize era ", the access layer network evolution should be emphasized .

  25. 进入智能电网时代,大量电能表分散固定安装所导致的计量性能维护难题依然存在。

    In the era of the smart grid , the challenge of calibration of large number of distributed fixed-installation electricity meters still remains .

  26. 随着2010年云南至广东特高压直流输电示范工程建成投运,我国将领先世界在电网结构上跨入建设坚强的智能电网时代。

    With the launching of Yunnan-Guangdong ultra-high voltage direct current ( UHVDC ) demonstration project , China will lead the world into an era of constructing a strong smart grid .

  27. 现在智能手机时代已经到来,诺基亚却还在为推出有竞争力的产品而忙得不亦乐乎,而此时该公司的股价已大幅下跌,成千上万的员工丢掉了饭碗。

    Now that the smartphone era has arrived , the company is racing to roll out competitive products as its stock price collapses and thousands of employees lose their jobs .

  28. 目前机器人发展进入第三代&智能机器人时代,对机器人的研究也进入了一个日趋成熟的阶段,其中具有自主决策能力的移动机器人是机器人研究的一个热点。

    Robot development entered the third generation - intelligent robot era , with independent decision - making ability of mobile robot is a hotspot in the research of the Robotics .

  29. 随着电子及计算机技术在汽车上的广泛应用,高档汽车上微处理器的数量已超过70个,汽车已进入智能化时代。

    With wide application of electronic and computer technology into automobile , many luxury vehicles have more than 70 microprocessors installed , and automobile has already entered into the era of intelligence .

  30. 同时伴随着手机产品全面进入了智能手机时代,移动多媒体系统在智能手机终端上的研究和开发也已成为最为热门的发展方向。

    In the meantime , with the mobile phone to enter the Smartphone era , research and development of mobile communication on Smartphone terminals has become the hot spot of the mobile development .