
gǔ chéng
  • ancient city;early city
古城[gǔ chéng]
  1. 导游引导我们游览了古城遗迹。

    The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city .

  2. 旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。

    The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh .

  3. 这座古城姿采纷呈,引人入胜。

    The old town is full of colour and attractions .

  4. 雷恩古城的大部分在1720年的大火中毁于一旦。

    Much of historic Rennes was destroyed by fire in 1720 .

  5. 一条林阴大道环绕古城的中心。

    The old town centre is girdled by a boulevard lined with trees .

  6. 巴盖特古城门未能躲过战火的荼毒。

    The war had not left Bargate undisturbed .

  7. 这房间虽然很冷,但是它能让人将古城的景致尽收眼底。

    It was a cold room , but it afforded a fine view of the Old City .

  8. 考古学家们正在讨论如何发掘出被埋的古城。

    The archeologists are discussing how to excavate the buried ancient city .

  9. 导游领着我们走过那座古城的废墟。

    Our guide led us through the ruins of the ancient city .

  10. 古城墙被拆掉,城区被扩大了。

    The ancient city walls were demolished and the urban area was expanded .

  11. 他们发掘出一座埋在地下的古城。

    They excavated an ancient buried city .

  12. 我又将一人寂寂寞寞的离开这古城了。

    I 'm going to leave this old city alone , quite alone .

  13. 米兰是一座历史悠久的古城。

    Milan is an old city with a long history .

  14. 西蒙:嗨,安娜。我是西蒙,我是从丽江古城打过来的!

    Simon : Hey Anna . This is Simon , calling from the Old Town of Lijiang !

  15. 西安是一座古城。

    Xian is an ancient city .

  16. 声明称,这座古城的年代可以追溯到阿蒙霍特普三世的统治时期,阿蒙霍特普三世是公元前1391年到1353年间统治古埃及的法老。

    It dates to the reign of King Amenhotep III , who ruled Egypt between 1391 and 1353 BCE , according to the statement .

  17. 就像现代英国王室会用列队马车来增加盛大活动的排场一样,一世纪庞贝古城的富裕的市民们也不例外。

    And much like royals in the modern United Kingdom augment1 grand events with processional carriages , well-to-do citizens of first century Pompeii were no different .

  18. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  19. 以苏州市古城32号街坊规划成果数据为基础,论述了运用GIS技术进行旧城改造与保护规划信息系统开发方法及其在规划管理中的分析应用。

    This Paper , which was based on the planning result data of No. 32 street of old cities in Suzhou City , expounded the development method of the transformation planning and preservation planning information system of old cities management of planning .

  20. 卡夫卡曾经工作过的波西米亚王国工伤保险机构现在是美憬阁世纪古城布拉格酒店(NaPorici7;420-221-800-800;centuryoldtown.com),就在老城外面。

    In the erstwhile Workers Accident Insurance Institute of the Kingdom of Bohemia , where Kafka worked , the Hotel Century Old Town ( Na Porici 7 ; 420-221-800-800 ; centuryoldtown . com ) is just outside of Old Town .

  21. 我来自南京,一个非常美丽的古城。

    I come from Nanjing , a very beautiful ancient city .

  22. 苏州古城保护的观念更新

    The Renew of Conservation Concept for the Historic City of Suzhou

  23. 这座古城中有许多现代化的建筑。

    There are lots of modern buildings in the old city .

  24. 古城原是强大的奇穆帝国的国都。

    It served as the capital of the mighty Chimu empire .

  25. 已经成为了铜山古城历史的最好见证。

    Have become the best witness to the city 's history .

  26. 奥地利和伊朗合作重建伊朗古城波斯波利斯。

    Austria and Iran cooperate to restore ancient capital of Persepolis .

  27. 交河古城土建筑遗址的加固试验

    Experimentation of Chemical Consolidation on Ancient Earth Structure Sites of Jiaohe

  28. 他们想重现庞培古城。

    They had started to uncover the ancient city of pompeii .

  29. 丽江古城是最著名的名胜。

    The ancient town of Lijiang is a most wonderful sight .

  30. 这座古城建于十七世纪后期。

    The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century .