
  • 网络ancient greek mathematics
  1. 古希腊数学演绎证明思想的发展脉络

    The Development of the Idea of Proof with the Deductive Method in Ancient Greek Mathematics

  2. 古希腊数学的研究体系、方法以及诸多理论成果对于近现代数学发展有着极为重要的意义和影响。

    Ancient Greek mathematics affects modern maths in many aspects , such as maths system , methods and theory fruits .

  3. 文章对古代中国与古希腊数学观作了明确的阐述,并从多种角度对二者进行了比较和分析。

    Elaborating both ancient Chinese and Greek mathematical view clearly , the writer compared as well as analyzed them from multiple angles .

  4. 中国古代数学与古希腊数学在思想方法和内容上有着很大的差别,不同的数学观是造成这种差别的重要原因之一。

    There is great difference between ancient Chinese and Greek mathematics as thinking way and content concerned . One of the most important reasons for the difference is their different mathematical view .

  5. 古代中国与古希腊的数学观之比较研究

    Comparative Study of Ancient Chinese and Greek Mathematical View

  6. 柏拉图问题的产生和回答与古希腊和古巴比伦数学哲学密切相关。

    The origin and the answer of the Plato 's problem was related to the philosophy of mathematics .

  7. 综观科学史,科学美发源于古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派的数学理性传统。

    Reviewing the history of science , scientific aesthetics stems from the Pythagorean traditional mathematical rationality in ancient Greece .