
  1. 新密古城寨城址是中原地区规模较大、保存较好的龙山文化晚期城址之一。

    The walled town sites at Guchengzhai in Xinmi is one of the late period of Longshan culture .

  2. 古城寨一带为传说中的祝融之墟,亦黄帝所居轩辕之丘。

    The area of Guchengzhai site is the ruins of Zhu Rong , and also the hillock of XuanYuan where Huangdi lived .

  3. 根据文献记载,再从时空方面进行对比分析,古城寨城址很可能就是历史上的“祝融之墟”。沿用至西周时期则为郐国故城。

    Based on the relative document , the article thinks the sites may be " the ruins of Zhurong period " in history and it was used as the city of Kuai state in the Western Zhou dynasty .