
  1. 平衡计分卡在智力服务业中运用的研究

    Study on Balanced Score Card Applied to Intelligence Service

  2. 论上海智力服务业的发展策略

    Tactics of Development in Shanghai Intellectual Service Trades

  3. 有对伊拉克的智力服务的关系某个人有由这个国家被命令。

    Certain individual with ties to Iraqi intelligence services have been ordered out of this country .

  4. 拓展太行山道路优势智力服务新农村发展

    Promoting the advantage of Taihang mountain road servicing the development in the new countryside in intellectual support

  5. 咨询企业作为提供智力服务的外脑,其网络化建设的意义尤为重要。

    As Out Brain providing intelligence service , consulting enterprises is especially need to research its network construction .

  6. 高等农业院校智力服务新农村建设的途径

    Elementary introduction of the ways of intellectual service of agricultural colleges and universities for the new rural construction

  7. 勘察设计是一种智力服务,其服务技术水平和服务质量难以衡量。

    The survey design is a kind of intelligence service , and the service technology level and service quality are difficult to measure .

  8. 东部地区大专院校和科研机构,要加强对西部地区提供智力服务和人才支持。

    The colleges and universities in the eastern region should intensify efforts to provide academic support and human resources to the western region .

  9. 同时,大学生也通过社会实践了解社会,了解国情,增强运用知识和智力服务于社会的能力。

    Meanwhile , students can know more about society and country , and enhance the ability to serve the society with their knowledge .

  10. 工程咨询是为经济建设和工程项目的决策与管理提供全面咨询的智力服务行业,当前我国的综合性工程咨询单位正处在重要的战略转型期。

    The main task of the engineering consulting industry is providing the overall technical support to the decision of the project management governments . Now it is a very important stage of the domestic engineering consulting in strategy transition .

  11. 咨询业是以提供信息和智力服务为特征的新型产业,是社会综合服务体系的重要组成部分,在当前以知识经济为我主导的国民经济建设和社会发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Consulting industry is an emerging industry characterized by providing information and intellectual services , and it also is an important component of integrated social service system . It plays an increasingly important role in the social development and the development of knowledge-based and economy-oriented national economy .

  12. 西南电力设计院(以下简称西南院)主要从事电力建设项目的勘察设计,服务于电力工业的发展,属智力型服务。

    Southwest Electric Power Design Institute majors in survey and design of electric power project , providing intelligence service to power industry .

  13. 国内各行各业都面临前所未有的竞争,提供智力产品服务的设计市场更不例外。

    Every walk of life is facing the unprecedented competition in China . Needless to say , the designing markets of offering intelligence services , they are terribly competitive .

  14. 指出工程咨询业是为经济建设和工程项目的决策与实施提供全过程咨询的智力型服务行业。

    It points out that the engineering consulting industry is an intellectual service sector of supplying the whole consulting for the economic construction and the decision-making and implementation of the project .

  15. 右:保证信息北发展的政策上提出构建行业信息、化工作管理机制、信息、化政策体系、技术支持系统和智力支持服务系统等观点;

    In guarantees IT application in the policy , some viewpoints are proposed : Construction profession IT management mechanism , IT policy system , technical support system and intelligence support system and so on .

  16. 甚至出现了很多没有实体产品而只提供智力或技术服务的企业。

    There are some corporations or organizations which only provide with their customers tech services appeared .

  17. 在寻找突围之道时,农民应是主体,政府则应退居其后,仅提供智力支持与服务。

    During the process of looking for the resolving way , peasants should be main body , government should follow it and only provide intelligence supporting and service .

  18. 竞争情报工作属于一种无形的知识与智力资产,服务于决策部门,不产生直接的经济效益,因此该工作的顺利执行离不开业绩评价。

    In a company the competitive intelligence work is a kind of invisible knowledge and intelligence assets . It serves the decision-making department , and does not produce the economic benefits directly , so the work cannot smoothly executed without the achievement assessment .

  19. 工程咨询就是以工程项目为对象,针对工程建设全过程各个阶段,运用管理科学、专业技术和经验,根据项目业主(建设单位)要求的事项,所提供的智力、技术服务。

    The engineering consultation , considering engineering project as its object , aimed at every stage during the course of engineering construction and using management science , specialty techniques and experience , provides intellect and techniques services which are required by the project owner ( construction unit ) .

  20. 智力资产是专业服务性企业最宝贵的资产。

    Abstract Intelligent asset is the most valuable asset of the professional service firms .