
  • 网络intelligent manufacturing system;IMS
  1. 智能制造系统调度的一种随机神经网络求解法

    A Method of Stochastic Neural Network for Solving IMS Scheduling

  2. 智能制造系统的内涵与人类的智能

    Connotation of IMS and Human Intelligence

  3. 多Agent智能制造系统中通信机制的研究

    The Research of Communication in Multi - Agent Manufacturing System

  4. 多Agent智能制造系统的通信机制

    Communication System in Multi - Agent Manufacturing

  5. 面向Agent的智能制造系统

    Agent-Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing System

  6. 智能制造系统中CAPP模型的建立

    Intelligent Manufacturing System Used in CAPP Model

  7. 提出了一个智能制造系统的多Agent模型,其中Agent代表基本的处理实体,Agent的特性用Petri网来表示。

    This paper presents a multi-agent system for modeling an intelligent manufacturing system , in which the agent is as basic processing entity . The agent characteristics are presented with Petri model .

  8. 多Agent智能制造系统由逻辑或物理位置上分布的多组Agent构成,通过网络共享资源,相互协作完成一任务。

    Multi-agent manufacturing system is composed of multi-set of agent that was distributed in logic and physics position , and resource is shared through network connections , a task is accomplished together by each other cooperation .

  9. 在分析agent和多agent系统的特点的基础上,着重研究了基于多agent的智能制造系统中的通信问题,提出了对话模式作为agent之间的通信机制,并使用着色Petri网进行了校验。

    This paper first introduces the characters of agent and multi-agent system . Then the communication between agents is studied and a schema-based method is proposed for modeling inter-agent conversation . The method is finally checked with using Colored Petri Nets .

  10. 面向计算机集成制造(CIMS)的会计信息决策支持系统(AIDSS)原型系统研究现代先进制造技术正朝着柔性制造(FMS)、计算机集成制造(CIMS)和智能制造系统(IMS)等方向发展。

    A Study on the Prototype to CIMS-Oriented AIDSS Modern advanced manufacturing technique is developing towards to Flexible Manufacturing System ( FMS ), Computer Integration Manufacture System ( CIMS ) and Intelligent Manufacture System ( IMS ) .

  11. 随着塑料产品需求的日益扩大,对塑料产品设计与制造提出了更高的要求,各种先进设计和制造技术,如计算机集成制造系统CIMS、智能制造系统IMS和敏捷制造IP等成为市场发展的趋势。

    As the increase of the demand of the plastic products , its designing and manufacturing demand has been high , also every advanced technology in designing and manufacturing such as CIMS 、 IMS 、 IP and so on has been a trend of the markets'development .

  12. 智能制造系统质量控制的神经网络方法研究

    Artificial neural network approach of quality control for intelligent manufacturing system

  13. 面向加工中心的智能制造系统研究

    Research on intelligent manufacturing system oriented for a machining center

  14. 智能制造系统的自组织单元结构研究

    Research On Self - Organizing Unit of Intelligent Manufacturing System

  15. 智能制造系统中基于标准与知识的数控加工模式

    CNC Machining Pattern Based on Standard and Knowledge in Intelligent Manufacturing System

  16. 激光智能制造系统中同步控制的实现

    Realization of synchronous control in laser intelligent manufacture system

  17. 智能制造系统中机器学习的研究

    The Research of Machine Learning in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

  18. 智能制造系统中立体神经视觉的校准

    Calibration of Stereo Neuro-vision in Intelligent Manufacturing System

  19. 过程管理模型在智能制造系统中的应用

    Process Management Model with Application in Intelligent Manufacturing

  20. 智能制造系统中的合作与协调

    Cooperation and Coordination for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

  21. 研究了智能制造系统中多施主协作设计问题;

    The multi-donor cooperative design is studied .

  22. 智能制造系统的关键技术

    Key technology in intelligent manufacturing system

  23. 智能制造系统的一种研究方法

    On an Intelligent Manufacturing System

  24. 智能制造系统

    Introduction of Intelligent Manufacturing System

  25. 在分析当前制造系统的基础上,提出了基于网络的智能制造系统的分布式控制结构。

    This paper analyzes the current manufacturing system and then presents the control architecture based on distributed control .

  26. 因此,本文提出了空间曲面往复走丝线切割智能制造系统关键技术的研究。

    Therefore , the research on the key technique of intelligent CNC system in WEDM-HS is proposed in this paper .

  27. 本文对智能制造系统的基础理论、智能化单元技术、智能机器有关技术作了的论述。

    The paper discusses the basic theory of intelligent manufacturing system , intelligence cell technology , and the technology of intelligent robot .

  28. 图像融合在自动目标识别、机器视觉、遥感、机器人、复杂智能制造系统、医学图像等非军事领域和军事领域得到了广泛的应用,已成为一门研究热点。

    Image fusion has been widely used in automatic target recognition , machine vision , remote sensing , robotics , complex intelligent manufacturing systems , medical images and other non-military areas or military fields , and become a hotspot .

  29. 从信息角度来说,智能制造系统是一个与环境有信息交换的自组织系统,是远离平衡态的耗散结构,同时强调人的智能在人机智能系统中的重要作用。

    From the viewpoint of information , an intelligent manufacturing system ( IMS ) is a system of self-organization exchanging information with environment . and possesses a dissipative structure far from equilibrium state , and human intelligence is emphasized in an intelligent man-machine system .

  30. 车间调度的研究不但具有重要的理论价值而且具有实用意义。本文研究了智能制造系统的多目标车间调度问题,主要工作如下:将双向调度方法嵌入到遗传算法中,得到了一种新调度算法。

    The multi-objective scheduling optimization of the job-shops is very important because of its theoretical and practical significance . The subject is studied in this thesis and several innovations are presented . A new approach is developed combining the genetic algorithm with a bi-directional approach .